《Need for Speed:飆車無限》競速
更多當你在專為行動裝置製作的《極速快感》的第一款令人驚險刺激版本中爭奪霸主地位時,奪取王冠並且征服地下車賽 – 來自為你帶來《真實賽車3》的遊戲開發商。 藉由一系列車輛和自訂項目來建造展現你的風格的愛車。當你踩下踏板並且轉動加入地下街頭賽車時,讓你自己在混亂與控制之間起跑。擊敗競爭,提高你的聲望,然後參加更多比賽、更多自訂項目以及更多車輛。做出你的選擇,絕不回頭。 本應用程式提供應用內購買。你可利用你的裝置設定來禁用應用內購買功能。 自訂極致愛車 在你的車庫裡存放你一直想要的真實世界汽車,這些汽車是來自像是布加迪、蘭博基尼、邁凱輪、帕加尼、科尼賽克、軒尼詩等等的製造廠商。然後藉由我們的遊戲內自訂系統將他們騙走,這些是來自像是「改裝商店」和「黑市」的塗點,為你提供超過250萬種自訂組合。你的愛車們正在等待 – 帶它們上街頭奔騰來捉對廝殺,證明你自己。 飛快駕駛 – 無畏無懼 衝上黑脊街道,加速駛過跳台並繞過碎片,進入交通,撞牆,而且高速穿越氮氣區。啟用氮氣加速,讓你自己衝向腎上腺素燃料推動的駕駛及甩尾的另一個層級。當你與當地工作人員和當地警察衝撞時,在每個角落週遭都會有新的比賽。這是一個充滿想要成為車手的世界 – 你可以領先群倫並且贏得敬重嗎? 贏得比賽 當你與任何人競爭而瘋狂到足以讓你興奮並且提升聲望時,絕對不要退縮。挖掘、甩尾、直線加速及滾動您的愛車到達終點線,同時在你的車尾上超越警察。在超過1,000場充滿挑戰性的比賽中燒胎 – 而那僅僅是起跑線而已。聲名狼藉,擁佔街頭並且為世界上最讚的車輛評分。因為一台愛車是絕對不夠的啦! --------------------- 用戶協議:terms.ea.com 訪問🔗link以獲得協助或查問。 在www.ea.com/1/service-updates上發布30天的通知之後,EA可撤銷線上功能和服務 重要的消費者資訊: 本應用程式:需要持續的網際網路連線(可能需支付網路費用);需要接受EA的隱私和Cookie政策以及用戶協議。包含遊戲內廣告;透過第三方分析技術收集數據(請參見隱私和Cookie政策以瞭解詳細內容);含有指向針對於13歲以上人士之網際網路及社交網站的直接鏈結。
《Need for Speed:飆車無限》競速
Need For Speed No Limits Is ENTIRELY PAY TO WIN..
you can grind and play the game without making any purchases but it’ll literally take you 1 million more years to complete the blueprints for higher end cars if you don’t buy them directly.. I played this game for like 2 years straight and got very into the game.. but it’s just a money grab which is normal for EA.. quite frankly that’s all they are known for anymore which is why there games suck so bad nowadays. They are the cause of death of Apex Legends Mobile too.
《Need for Speed:飆車無限》競速
Another mobile racing game where you get treated like a baby. Cars automatically drives itself, no brakes, steering, no nothing. All you literally do in this "SO CALLED GAME" is tap the screen left or right to dodge a car. Where is the game? Where is the challenge for the players. The game does everything itself for players. The game should be called "dodge cars" because thats all this game allows you to do.
《Need for Speed:飆車無限》競速
This game better than other but have no replaybility and has energy system which you have to buy with real money to race non-stop or wait for like an hour to refill the energy bar only then u can race again +
Tracks are small plus no shortcuts so don't go for it.
They ask money to buy car parts but even in energy bar that just sucks.