更多高畫質、身臨其境的平板電腦遊戲!<p>武士帶著他的好友回來了!像英勇的武士、可怕的女忍者殺手、健壯的裝甲浪人一樣,保衛你的村莊,與更難對付的成群野蠻殭屍和惡魔進行戰鬥!徵召盟友,建造防禦工事,並恢復神器來阻止他們!你還可以在Samurai vs. Samurai 多玩家戰鬥中與好友並肩作戰!</p> <p>戰略性遊戲<br>召募令人興奮的新盟友,並建立防禦工事,對付成群的殭屍!</p> <p>多英雄遊戲<br>透過解鎖強大的新英雄,擴展你的防禦工事!</p> <p>多玩家<br>在多玩家模式中,從你的好友處偷取神器,以完成收集並贏取巨大獎勵!</p> <p>升級你的武士英雄<br>透過獲取更好的武器、防禦工事和魔法能力,變得更強大!</p> <p>武士大戰殭屍2可以免費參與本遊戲 ,當然你也能選擇付費方式購入本遊戲中所需的特殊道具。</p> <p>使用本應用程序須遵守Glu Mobile的使用條款。蒐集個人資訊及其使用規則將會遵循Glu Mobile的個資隱私政策。相關政策與條款可瀏覽www.glu.com查看。其他附加條款將同樣適用前述聲明。</p> <p>瀏覽Twitter @glumobile和facebook.com/glumobile訂閱Glu Mobile。</p> <p>立即加入Facebook粉絲團!關注更多Glu遊戲動態:<br><a href="🔗link://www.google.com/url?q%3D🔗link;amp;sa=D&usg=AFQjCNGBbdAmu-KPT7SNJ1uwo9r7YryiTw" target="_blank">🔗link;/a></p>
This game was one of the best if not the best games to ever exist, I loved playing it when I was younger and I was really sas when I knew the game was unplayable and removed cuz like it's one of the only memories that I had with my older brother that passed away, I remember how I kept watching him play and how much I waited for him to give me play the game after he was tired and bored of the game which was like a dream.