直升機空襲 - Gunship Strike 3D
Candy Mobile
更多敵軍海陸空三面來襲,擊敗敵人,攫取敵人的資源,製成最強裝備,打造最強飛機。你將成為我軍先驅部隊的一員,操縱屬於自己的直升機,用強力的機槍掃射敵軍,用精確瞄準的導彈打擊敵軍,用鋪天蓋地的榴彈轟炸敵軍,為最終戰役的勝利鋪開一條血路。而你所需要注意的,是要在槍林彈雨中掩護友軍,並保護好自己。 遊戲特點: - 在爆炸和射擊中體驗激烈的空戰。 - 自由選擇武器和特殊的設備裝備直升機。 - 強化武器,挑戰最強BOSS。 - 嘗試用簡單的操作模式來挑戰各種花樣射擊,環形掃射,翻轉射擊…… - 感受穿梭在槍林彈雨中的驚險與刺激。 --- Gunship Strike is the most immersive and realistic 3D helicopter battle action game available on Google Play. Launch the attack on the most dangerous terrorists now! Gunship Strike puts you in the gunner seat of the most powerful combat helicopters. Strategically fire your powerful machines guns and devastating missiles to slay hordes of enemies across the world. Guide with precision your combat helicopter and demolish the enemy military bases in the world’s greatest combat experience! Gunship Strike combines tactics, flying skills and the right amount of ruthless in this #1 military helicopter action game! Game Features: - Multiple helicopters with a variety of weapons and equipment - 40+ levels in Battle mode & ultimate challenging Boss mode - Realistic 3D graphics and stunning visual effects