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630 Views 04/14/2022
This game is so good! I've been playing for like 4 years now and I love the game so much. I've been off and on it during that 4 years but I definitely reccomend this game. The characters are so cute! And the leveling up system is so easy to understand. Though it's kinda hard to get elite characters,the events the game has helps alot with getting new characters you want. If you play this game I also reccomend you follow them on instagram because you get sneak peeks of new characters and skins!
1.6K Views 07/20/2022
Unfortunately, dreadful. Devs are ignoring bugs, recent changes are focused only on the biggest spenders and I can't call this game F2P friendish anymore. They don't care about complaints as well. If you aren't valuing your F2P players, your game will eventually die and that's what you can see now. Uninstalling it now. If you're looking for something more than good graphics then you should look elsewhere.
192 Views 08/16/2022
Entertaining & easy, I would definitely recommend this to people who are into anime. Very cute girls and not too expensive if you're a noob and if you're just a collector you can just collect the girls like cards. You can also jump to different servers and it'll save under your profile (take note it will start your server as a new character but will leave your old one the same, don't panic 🤣).
Ungodly Wyrm
GirlsXBattle 2 Review
119 Views 01/21/2024
Nobody wants to talk about it but let's go over what you already know. I've been playing this since launch and it's definitely been through dramatic changes. F2P friendly ❌ Graphics & Art  ✅ Story  ❌ There is a process to getting through the level walls that you run into and that is finding the active guild on the server (if there even is one) Players spend over $50,000 a year on this game in U.S. dollars but IF you're patient with it , eventually the whales leave the game and you'll take first.
294 Views 08/16/2022
It is a very slow ramp up. The girls are very cute and there's lots of idle battles to cycle through which is fun but I don't recommend spending any money on it. just take your time and wait for reward The battling is interesting once you've unlocked options but the intimacy system is a horribly slow grind with little payoff, and the slot machine is rigged to hit coins or exp juice (the least valuable options) 80% of the time at least and it isn't just me who had that experience it isn't random.
989 Views 08/16/2022
ok. so its a good game. i like it... but... there are alot of issues for me. for one there is no audio and its all messed up. every once in a while ill get weird loud static in my headphones and it annoys me. also my game keeps freaking out and the character models wont load in on some fights so it's just black boxes fighting and my screen will flicker black
968 Views 08/16/2022
Back after a long break. Played it when it first came out and there just wasn't enough to do. Now, started up on a new server and loving it. The gacha rates aren't too absurd, and while there are some high priced items in the shop, you can do a lot with a small amount of money. The game rewards patience. Don't rush through it! It's an idle game! The art for all of the girls, one star to ten star is just fantastic. Seriously, the artists are amazing.
1.8K Views 12/20/2022
This is literally the best anime girl fighting game
959 Views 04/01/2023
Was a great game, but took up a lot of space (but what's to be expected, the graphics and details are AMAZING). I loved all aspects of it and talk about it whenever I find the chance. Loved it and wish I didn't have to uninstall for space 💔
Hello dear friends! Today I will tell you about the character Kassy and why she should be in your team! 1: She is a good tank, she has a huge amount of health and armor (Because of this, she outlasts her enemies and deals damage for a long time) 2: Quite a lot of damage + you can make a good damage build for her 3: all her skills are quite interesting and strong 4:she's cute :3 P.S.And if you haven’t started playing yet, I advise you to start because the game is interesting and full of many events (not donated) full of varied content and it won’t take much time to achieve heights, the game is also often updated and pleases with new content and servers so come on in you won't regret it!)
373 Views 01/08/2023
That's everything for now. Start a new game?