out of 10


Most Helpful
45 Views 04/10/2024
If you're finding a game that greatly can waste your time try this one, but make sure you like this genre, its a "RTS" Real time strategy game, by gathering resources and moving from "sector to sector" i mean is different area from planet, you are able to build your own strategic structured base on different sectors while defending the sector💀. I dont know if its a 2d or what but t feels like it is,
Fantastic Tower-Defense with Resource Management
6.5K Views 11/24/2022
I ran into Mindustry by chance a few years ago, and it has come a long way since then. At its core, Mindustry is a Tower Defence with resource management elements like Factorio. The gameplay is pretty simple: Enemies attack you in waves, and you have to defend your base while maintaining the resources, for example, ammo for your turrets. This is, however, the bare minimum. There's also Attack mode in which the enemy base is also present on the map, and you compete for resources and destroy each other by building units that attack each other. Lastly, an expansive multiplayer with many custom servers brings varied gameplay to the table. There is also a map editor where you can create your maps and thousands of mods since the game is open source.
161 Views 01/25/2024
I LOVE THIS MOTHERFRICKIN GAME. ⚠️This Is A Tower Defense GAME That Requires An Insane Amount Of Strategically Planning so Much so that a Sector's Difficultly Level That you Later on you have to conquer is Rated "ERADICATION" Difficultly. 💰 Value for Money:  On Android it is Free and on IPhone I Think i remember it being like $1 or $2 But There Are ABSOLUTELY NO Ads And No Micro-Transactions (In Game Purchases).
Hayami E
3 Views 4d
I play this with my brother it was really fun to conquer the planet by building defense that require certain amount of resources to keep it alive The mechanic in this game isn't hard to learn and the only thing that hard for me in this game is building compact building without wasting space
3 Views 05/20/2024
10/10 game would recommend
359 Views 01/27/2023
One of the best games available on your phone Dont skip it
662 Views 06/24/2023
The game is about you controling a smol ship trying to get resources to you core in a factory-building gameplay like building drills smelters getting high-tech resources and other stuff, while also defending against the enemy with buildable weaponary and units factories and attacking other enemy bases so it's a sanbox-tower-defence-rts-online&offline all mixed in together also It includes: 1: a big campign containing 2 planets each one worth DAYS of content without mods
Krowkel Ckiken
873 Views 06/24/2023
Really good campaign is great pvp is fun.
48 Views 02/15/2024
Can't Bother sayin much, it's good but gets boring easily
30 Views 02/13/2024
👍 Pros: VEry fun but half baked 👎 Cons: GAME IS NOT FINISHED game hasnt been fully developed
That's everything for now. Start a new game?