out of 10


Veyrith Jia
508 Views 06/12/2020
The first thing I felt, it's too laggy for a game whit size is only 2.5GB so this is a bit less comparable, (even though I've used the lowest graphics). For an adventure idea I can say this one is good and got a rare touch, you can enter the city to shop at the NPCs Store, and others. It is just me or not, but when I enter Battle Field, I feel this game is adapting the Monster Hunter game? If you are the type of player who likes to play with good graphics, this is one that you might be able to try, but keep in mind that this game needs a decent device recommendation above mid-end (RIP my phone can't handle how heavy it is).
790 Views 06/15/2020
This game reminds me of Rangers of Oblivion, but without being a complete train wreck. It manages to look and feel like a console game, but does not run like it was ported from a console by first-time developers. The graphics are smooth and complex enough to give a feeling of realism. It does not attempt to turn a battle into a firework display, which is a nice break. Instead, this game feels more like what you would expect from Capcom if they made a Monster Hunter for 2020. Realistically, the current title from Capcom is more than a little dated.
724 Views 06/17/2020
I know that it's still in its beta phase but based on what I've observed and experienced, this is gonna be a pay to win game. I noticed a "lightning bolt" icon when you pick a mission, which I'm assuming it's energy/stamina when you go to missions. Crafting/enhancing needs workers and they also have stamina/energy which decreases everytime you craft/enhance, which sucks because their stamina/energy does not replenish over time, you need to buy potions (expensive) to replenish them. The only way for you to get additional workers is through gacha (using premium currency). It's not very optimized right now, I'm using a phone withSD845 and I'm still get getting frame drops (15 fps) on the lowest setting. There's not much to do as well aside from hunting, but I saw gathering areas in the world map but are not yet accessible. The game has potential, the moveset/skillset of every weapon is awesome. Some of the monsters just needs more fix, some of them higher level monsters are easier compared to the first 3 monsters that you've fought. 1 star for now because of the direction the game is going (the energy system that limits your hunts and crafting/enhancing). If ever that they changed their mind about that, this'll be one of my favorite mobile games. I love monster hunter and I've always wanted to play it on my mobile phone. This is the closest to monster hunter that I've played on mobile (so far).
Leon de Beaumont
1.3K Views 12/30/2021
Heey. You need to release Wildborn. Yeager has already been out. You don't want your fans waiting to go leave WB right? It's going 2022 now 😂 Also, I played the TW version. Please try to change the sound effect when attacking a monster. It doesn't sound right for melee weapons. Haven't used the ranged but please make the sound effect realistic. TY
I Like It A Lot! Also Seems F2P Friendly Which Is Important In A Social Hunting Type Game. I Would Like More Wide Range And Stream Line Mayching System, The Current Matching System Works But Feels Very Cluncky Amd Too Many Moving Parts To It. I Would Enjoy English Option Because I Only Speak English And Spanish, But I Am Being Impatient With The Global Release Plan. I Like The Difficulty And The Tutorial Has Nice Rewards, Although I Did Have To Restart Because I Wanted A Different SSR Weapon Type Than What I Chose At First Without Thinking Much But It Does Make A Difference In Enjoyability In The Beggining Gring.
561 Views 05/12/2022
569 Views 07/25/2021
why not clear our doubts and just tell us the release date for the game and not THE GAME IS EXPECTED TO BE GLOBALLY LAUNCHED IN 2021😔 I mean half the year is gone already A specific date is all we need That would ease our mind for the 2 years we've waited Thanks😤😤
thomas lee
418 Views 06/12/2020
it need a story line in the game and why put a time line on fighting the misters.it don't show you the monster life bar .it's like you don't know when you bet the monster it need to be put in English,why is it not a jump button but I can say that game play is kinda good need more improvement
872 Views 02/04/2022
I'm thinking the developers missed the point of "Global", since the "Global" version is only available in "Korean"???? I mean seriously, why label it "Global", and then only make it available is Korean???? They must be outsourcing their stupid pills from AOC🤣🤣
974 Views 07/29/2021
i want to know its able to play with friends ?? u say MMORPG thats mean its multiplayer ! or like genahin impact ?
603 Views 10/03/2019
I hope it will release global once it will release. I hope it is not a automatic lock on monster like you need to aim your attack according to hit a monster
That's everything for now. Start a new game?