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Kha Đức (Tiktok @khaduccc)
Another Eden! The epic oldie Jrpg Turn based that definitely worth your time
429 Views 04/04/2024
1.5K Views 05/23/2022
great game, music, graphic, and gacha. those who like turn based jrpg should try this. my only issue the story sometimes too shonen like which doing typical shonen stories problem but overall it still great. it a shame this game didnt get popularity as much as it should be. gacha design really generous. you ONLY pulling for unit. not only that as long as you get that unit you can sidegrade (from 4,5* to 5*, and even alt like AS, ES, and alter) them in game without using gacha. free chars also strong. almost all collabs are permanent in game, except chrono cross which have time limit 5year.
1.7K Views 12/28/2021
Best story ever. It's super immersive and the gameplay is fun turn-based too. One of the only games where the gacha isn't important and the units that you get for free from the story are enough. There are daily grinds but they aren't necessary, it's really laid-back and you can play at your own pace as there is no pvp whatsoever. The collabs are great and they last forever, and you can also get units form the collab too. Music is great, graphics are decent, and it really knocks it out of the park with the story and the jrpg feel. The gacha has no pity, but as I said gacha isn't important until very very late game(2% for 5 star). Be warned, side quests get repetitive and if you don't like story, this game isn't for you.
Rhanjel Losloso
1.2K Views 09/06/2022
One of Underated  JRPG Games at Taptap. Great Graphics and Easy to Know Mechanics. What I Very Like about this is its Story, just playing it feels like im reading a very good Light Novel. Its Also has Gacha Mechanics but Very F2P Friendly and you can Also Play it Casually. For me its a Masterpiece And Im Proud to Nominate this Game.
29 Views 03/05/2024
會被時空貓吸引來的玩家們應該多少對劇情大綱有所了解,這裡就不多贅述。 以下對我這一兩年來遊玩時空貓的體驗做個小總結。 缺點: 每次版本更新,戰力平衡都大幅膨脹,舊角色過沒多久就變倉管,新角色隨著角色基數增加越來越難抽,轉職書同理,越來越難農,然後後期主線劇情很幼稚又雲裡霧裡,不知道想表達什麼。 優點: 這個遊戲除了上面的缺點以外都是優點—— ·龐大的世界觀 ·堪比開放世界的豐富遊戲性 ·大部分情況下都維持優秀品質的外傳、外典、外史劇情(主線劇情前中期是優秀的,後期暫且不做討論) ·包含小遊戲在內的大部分玩法都含有高度策略性 ·能在回合制的玩法中得到節奏緊湊的戰鬥體驗 ·高頻率且內容豐富的更新 ·精緻的場景美術 ·優美且耐聽的大量BGM ·獨具特色的角色立繪與優秀的配音 ·門檻低,有手就行 ·圈內大佬很多,對新玩家很友善,並且大佬們提供的攻略全面且靠譜,幾乎涵蓋遊戲內一切內容,甚至包括一些系統上的疑難雜症,完全不用擔心遊戲流程卡住或發生問題
awizza YT Trailers
891 Views 09/09/2022
im very recomendet this game i back mostly this game im alleeyss gave problem with memorry  on else game but wit that no i played befoe oerfect word but daily exp its very bored automatyshe inst's same wnd bored take careand sorry omy Eng #TapTapExplorerS2
1.3K Views 08/20/2023
The one and only true jrpg with gacha element
858 Views 05/07/2023
Best game ever
18 Views 01/28/2024
Gameplay, Story, VA, Music : 9/10 QoL, UI, Graphic : 8/10 Conclusion : A bit outdated but a must try experience, so good
41.Trần Minh Vĩ
736 Views 11/28/2023
A soild 7/10 good story,very f2p you can complete even without gacha no pvp so you can log in anytime you but the download is a pain not recommed put the button download all if you dont have a good iphone
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