out of 10


Most Helpful
141 Views 05/05/2024
👍 Pros: Great Diablo experience until the campaign in over. 👎 Cons: P2W only endgame. Played for 4 months straigth for about 5-6 hours each day and it is impossible to get stronger without actually buying with real money all the legendary max stars gems so you can go experience the raids as you cant reach the power requirement. And I am talking about PVE ... Let's not even talk about PVP where you don't have a chance to do anything if you just invest real money in battle passes and as above, you don't have all legendary max star gems.
VVARenik The Pelmesh
1.4K Views 06/06/2022
Sadly, it's not revolutionary for mobile gaming segment, neither it's even just solidly good. It's quite okay for the first few hours, but it gets more and more boring the further you delve into this. i'm a fan of grinding games like Diablo, Poe, borderlands etc, so I'm totally okay with repeating the same content to get the desired gear to make this grind even more fun, but diablo immoral feels like this grind is a chore, not an actual gameplay that brings you joy.
Immortal bluster
561 Views 09/28/2022
the game had it moments. It grows repetitive quickly. Legendary drop rates are stingy and the content is timegated. Social aspect of the game is fun. Pvp is fun in the beginning, then quickly becomes insurmountable to rank up without heavy use of your wallet. Like mortgage payments amounts. The zones are fun to run around in for the first 15-20 hours of  endgame gameplay. Eventually they are always the same quest, monster spawns and map layout. After trying all the different classes for around 30 hours or more I’ve grown bored with the game.
987 Views 10/22/2022
very fun open world rpg dungeon crawler from blizzard entertainment it's a huge indepth game with great story campaign and u can create a clan also a warband to fight bosses with u can sell gems on the trade market for in-game currentcy witch is allways fun  overall I gota say I love the game 5
Diablo Immortal
1.4K Views 06/02/2022
dor wattenberg
468 Views 06/22/2022
Amazing game, i will say the best mobile game i ever played. The story, the gameplay, the characters, the big amount of things to do, the amazing graphic and visuals effects, and so on. Just play and ignore monitization issue, which I'm not seeing as interrupting at all in my day to day playing .
1.8K Views 06/05/2022
game got good story, voice over for characters and map layout but that all 1. The combat is so boring and easy that I didn't even have to worry about losing until lv60 (even without buying shit from their store 2. Skills are automatically upgrade when level up instead of letting the player make their own build and there skills that are unlock after reaching a certain lv but with the automatic skills lv up system, you often see a skill lv 10 worse then a skill lv 2
1.2K Views 07/31/2022
This Version is like the one on Console but this one has Way More Stuff plus there are Players Everywhere cause it's an Open Server instead of being a Closed one where you have to Invite your Friends or Join a Random Lobby you know so instead always being Alone. There is So Much More you can do Now that their are Player Running around so you can Make Friends on the Fly & Join Guilds you know just Have Fun plus Enjoy the Story too plus Enjoy the PvP too!!!!...
When I get it wrong...
271 Views 06/19/2022
...I REALLY get it wrong Let's get this out of the way first. It's no secret that I've been very vocally critical of the game based on the demo disc my friend at Blizzard sent me l ast year. It was God awful, and even he thought this release day would never happen. So before I review it, I need to go on record to say BRAVO to Blizzard for pulling off the impossible. I REALLY like this game. A lot. Before saying anything, I always like to focus on the game, so I'm writing this as a Level 30 Wizard. I'm going to start with my biggest, and most obvious beef. I Iiterally had to free up 19gb of space on my tablet because after the initial edl and install, there are 12 or 13 chunks of game data that MUST be instslled, or you're going to spend your entire game experience in trhe starter zone. The initial dl requires nearly 9gb free space, with additional NON OPTIONALgb data which is nearly ANOTHER 9gb in game data. By far the largest install EVER.
Great game, expected bugs
41 Views 06/03/2022
In my opinion it’s been a great game (for me) since early launch. Of course there’s going to be bugs, no game is 100% perfect at launch with no problems at all… Been playing since launch and I’ve only encountered very few bugs from the app randomly closing (happened maybe 3-4 times so far) to a cutscene ending and no textures on the screen except my character that proceeds to walk on nothing (has happened once) until I restart the app. Had no problems with mobs spawning for bounties except the spiders which I rerolled and carried on. Even with its quirks I’m very much enjoying Diablo on the go 👍🏽👍🏽
That's everything for now. Start a new game?