Sing karaoke simulator

Sing karaoke simulator

Provider appelsin
2,375 Downloads634 Followers

Sing to the karaoke simulator! Grant songs and hits at the party with a beautiful voice, both on stage in front of a crowd of fans! Hold the phone like a microphone, and loudly sing the soundtrack - read rap and sing in the shower, in the subway, at parties with friends and music lesson in school! Write down the first hit and become a star of the world charts! Musical group a bunch of musical instruments is not needed! Train and develop voice simulator karaoke! Including the text of the beloved hit on your computer or tablet, text and sing with phonogram<br>In the execution of the songs is important, not only the voice, hearing, sense of rhythm, but also charisma, confidence and acting skills! Portray emotions and hot feelings, holding the phone like a radio MIC!<br>Sing karaoke simulator - the game for the future stars of the stage! Want fans to go on tour around the world? Train! Sing everywhere karaoke in your pocket!

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