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582 Views 09/25/2022
I  think it's going to be a awesome great opportunity to get to play a awesome game that some of the grate game developers in the world of making games have been so awesome to put this game together for all of us in this day and time of really need this game to be made and really get to in joy so thank u so much developers for the awesome aopportunity that yall have given us keep up the good work  hek ya game on yours truly  James spurlin and if you don't like the game to bad just stick to playing with your Legos and let the real gamers game on just my opinion. Game on game o ya.
4 Views 05/21/2024
Wow, it favorite game
Rizal Naim
Excited, but reserved
548 Views 10/22/2022
I absolutely love PoE on PC. Lost my PC and couldnt play anymore. Im so excited to hear its coming to mobile, but God above knows I'll keep my expectations low. I sincerely hope they dont botch this.. Please dont.
2.2K Views 01/31/2023
Free to play and not pay to win, itself have a huge environment of skill gems, and variety way to develop your character. I've played pc version from 2013 and waiting for mobile ver as well.
300 Views 01/04/2023
Hopefully POE mobile will be a complete mobile arpg with non p2w system.
838 Views 07/16/2023
Used to play the game on PC & PS5. For those wondering: "Grinding Gear Games has always considered this game an “experimental” version, so they have not felt compelled to set a release date. However, things seem to be taking shape because in a recent interview with Chris Wilson— studio producer and developer— he assured that he intends to publish the game by the end of 2023."
Dz game
1K Views 06/17/2023
You can build your character every way you want =)) a bowtotemer , a attack witch ... All is impossible
31 Views 05/02/2023
That's everything for now. Start a new game?