out of 10


Most Helpful
Angelica Roso Beltran
Boots me before the game starts. Samsung A53 user.
1.7K Views 09/19/2022
So I used to play this game on my iPhone XR literally everyday... I have a newer phone now and it's really good for gaming from what I've tested on it but for Dead by Daylight Mobile. Its horribleas hell. Samsung Galaxy A53 is what i have now and from the TapTap store itself a long with Google play as well. This game just isnt booting at all. I dont think the game developers have optimized it for this device just yet. But it annoying cause the older phones before the A53 can play and bot up DBD no issues. I miss the crap out this game yall... So to the devs. Please for the love of f**k optimize it already and look i tot he issues. It's almost been a year now and I've gotten no response even when I've emailed. Makes me annoyed and sad aha.
Ciara Curvey🍯🐝
Facebook sign up is busted!
697 Views 01/05/2023
I was playing for a while! One of my favorite games to play even, but than I factory reset my phone and signed in with the same Facebook account I originally signed in with and now the game just crashes everytime I try. I would love to give the game a better rating, but I cant even get into my account anymore. 💔💔💔 Looks like it's because of their Netease Version of the game. I had made an account on that version, and it doesn't transfer to the older versions of the game. So now I'm forced to wait for the Netease version to ever play again, because the username is tied to that unreleased version.
A killer reboot that mostly improves this mobile adaptation - Dead by Daylight Mobile Quick Review
19K Views 03/19/2023
12K Views 12/02/2022
1.1K Views 06/06/2022
the game is great, liking this version than the netease one. This version got the thrill and less force close/crashes during the game. Except the frame rate still often droped, but i can deal with that. The audio is also great when using headphone/earphone. And thank you for ported this game to mobile and make it free.
Unknown Man
My review
1.5K Views 11/22/2022
After playing this game for a while, you could say i have great time with it. However, there is something you should know. I play as survivor most of the time so im not sure if im qualified to talk about killer control. For me, killer control feel like bs. I have hard time tracking down(my skill is bad. Imma be honest here.). Well that is not what im gonna complaint, but the problem is how bs chasing and attacking feel. People can literally vault over and over again without worrying you attacking them because how stupid the game attack can be. Im not complaining about cross hair or any of that kind. Im complaining about attack button itself. People literally just run around me, all 4 of them while im stil figuring out how to chase them with the control. Imma be frank that i got no skill. I also respect all killer who dont face camp and able to clesr everyone. So, I dont really recommend if anyone who want to play killer play the mobile version(unless you very skilled and play killer that can cover large area ). I only play trickster only. Please forgive me if there anything wrong and feel free to correct me. Also pls give some tip, i need it.
Uncle Vinny
445 Views 04/10/2023
I love Dead By Daylight on the PC. Got over 120 hours in it.  This game does not connect to your BHVR account. It connect to NetEase.  Very disappointing already because I own pretty much all the characters.  Every character in this game practically cost money.   About 500 Auric Cells.  I would not say the mobile game is equivalent to the PC to have it the same price. Another Chinese company out for monetization.   There are free tickets for characters.   This is a rental ticket.  You will unlock the character for 6 hours if you can even find a match.   On top of that you have to consider your phone battery.   Nothing in this game justifies the price.   
TapTap Creator
The best asymmetric multiplayer horror on mobile | Full Review - Dead by Daylight Mobile
3.1K Views 03/22/2023
The user has deleted the account
New Features Have Brought It Back From The Dead...
2.7K Views 03/17/2023
Hushamul irfan Gaming
2.5K Views 01/01/2023
Pls 🥺🙏 anyone tell me how run the game in verification download problem it's not working after install this they showing verify downloadling still pls check and tell how to make run the game pls i am bagging you all
That's everything for now. Start a new game?