Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Screenshot of Onmyoji: The Card Game
Onmyoji: The Card Game

Onmyoji: The Card Game TW

Provider EnvoyGames
6,928 Downloads8,055 Followers

——Fantasy Paradise, Beautiful and Breeze
Not only the hundreds of exquisite card surface original paintings created by the top art team, but also the vivid live2D technology to perfectly display each monster's unique story and mood. Card awakening, active hands!

——Monsters gather, mix and match
Dozens of "Onmyoji" original characters have been transformed into exquisite cards, whether it is the extreme outbreak of Ibaraki or the king of the field control, Tian Tiangou, can be organized into decks according to preferences, playing unpredictable tactics and winning gorgeously. Every next victory!

——Ingenious gameplay, clash with wisdom
Develop gameplay in the first game. Allocate resources, plan strategically, and display the decks in your hands to the fullest, becoming a high-end celebrity!

——Wonderful plot, interesting news
Listen to the unique story that happened on the cruise ship named "Phantom Tower", maybe you can discover the unknown side of the gods.

——Listen to your ears, vocal feast
The game music created by the top composer "Shenqianxiao", in conjunction with the original class seiyuu team, each game is an audiovisual feast.
This is the ultimate showdown that thousands of players have participated in. It is also another beautiful interpretation of the Onmyoji story.

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Onmyoji: The Card Game : First Impressions
14K Views 01/10/2021
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