out of 10


Most Helpful
Play this game you won't be disappointed
1.1K Views 10/14/2023
The best scp game I played,I downloaded multiple SCP games before this but this one certainly different it's has everything you can possibly ask for if you a Scp fan like me tho it little complicated when you first start the game
1.6K Views 06/24/2023
I've played the game like a year ago and uninstaled it. After some time i wanted to play it again but it was not avaible on the AppStore so, by any chance if you are ios user and have this game installed please let me so i can try to get it back. thank you :D
Yuvraj Bhanwal
26 Views 04/17/2024
👍 Pros: good graphics and good story
'SCP Containment Breach Mobile' review
305 Views 12/10/2022
It's really really cool hard but so much fun
677 Views 05/28/2023
Very good horror game for android. But very hard
441 Views 01/02/2024
Amazing game when you are bored and when you like to socialise with random people and amazing storyline  👍 Pros: 🎮 Gameplay: 📖 Storyline:
1.1K Views 08/19/2023
Everything abt this game is awesome, the graphics the sounds ect. If you don't like this u screw balls
lDeadUpl :D
1.2K Views 09/17/2023
the best SCP game i even played on mobile definitely.
1.1K Views 03/02/2023
This port is so fucking awesome
basically abandoned
1K Views 02/14/2023
The game is great port of SCP Containment Breach with only a few noticeable bugs. SCP-1048-A is invisible and doesn’t infect the player. Map sometimes disappear, but that happens rarely.
That's everything for now. Start a new game?