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Jay Hunter
Dislyte Review: A Unique and Upbeat Gacha RPG
2.1K Views 05/16/2022
652 Views 05/04/2022
I didn't really like this. It has the familiarity of hero battlers done vertical. There's been a tonne of work that's gone into this with each and every iteration. Graphically it's very pretty, the attacks and visuals that accompany your toons abilities play nice. The overall aesthetic is so so. Shut Up. Try it for yourself.
Make my own anime... Like distyte
890 Views 12/07/2022
God choseness is a show where the main character is weak of the first but strong at the end of the but I am continuously writing it so I can't say that it will end good or bad.. Introduction But in the show the main characters friend will help or will get chose in by a God from all over the world they have to save the world from mythical creatures aliens or the unknown........ teased villain Only design in the next page
Devon Riggens
1.2K Views 09/02/2023
Love the mythical character and the story is top notch... And don't even get me started on the music ( sitting in the hub for hours)
845 Views 05/11/2022
All in all....it's a good idle game with nice graphics, characters designs and music. I've seen a lot of comments about the gacha for staring players (and it's true, they could've given some more stuff for people who supported it to launch day). If you feel shafted, there's plenty of other games out there. At least appreciate the game for what it's worth.
1.1K Views 05/13/2022
Honestly, this one took me by surprise. I am trying to not pick up as many auto battlers, because i find after a few months the gameplay is really stale and consists of having your phone open for 30 mins while you auto battle thru a few maps, but this one has some nice stuff going for it. The mythology and music combo really grabbed me. The graphics and heros (espers) are amazing as well. The gear system reminds me of Raid where you have a few different bosses to farm to get your relics, of varrying type and level. The music is bangin, and a total vibe. There is also a dj mini game that is pretty fun, nothing amazing, but a cool add in. Idk if it has longevity to make it last months of content, but it is definitely one of the higher caliber games of this type I have played in a long time. Oh and the story is pretty dece too if your into that. Would recommend.
1.5K Views 05/22/2022
90 Views 06/17/2022
I dont usually play this type of games but, all i can say is well done, Devs. Even if the gameplay is kinda "déjà-vu", the aesthetics,musics,trailers,characters etc... are just 👌. But still there's some issues, especially with the summoning system and a lack of (gold/stamina) , but i'll trust the devs since they're listening to the community and working to fix the game. Don't listen to anyone, download the game and try it by yourself, if u dont like it uninstall.
855 Views 07/03/2023
Another game I never gave a fair chance until recently. I can't recommend it enough. The graphics and character animations are fantastic. The music is good too. It's a really upbeat game. It seems to rely on style instead of pure "fan service" like games that play similarly.
Revised Review: The Music doesn't ease the Suffering.
1.5K Views 05/14/2022
Standard turn by turn RPGacha with extra nice music and pretty characters. So what makes this game worth playing? 🤔 The New user experience seems fine until you realize character leveling is bad at a certain level (40-ish). It does take a while to grind for EXP materials so you can't easily put into play new units you've summoned. ➕⬆️ Story is okay though skippable and Gacha Characters seem useful until you realize that you need to combo  certain characters, then EXP issues beat you up because you didn't know!  💀
That's everything for now. Start a new game?