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What the Chess update patch should look like
6.9K Views 07/27/2022
Apraku Junior
1.4K Views 07/27/2022
Wow this is a good chess game the graphics are simple the game is not difficult to learn and I give you 5 stars for that 1 Please  you can build Lan family and friends to play together to increase the rate of the donload 2  you can also add heros from history like the Trojan war and more epic myths like that 3 and when you add heros please place them at some specific Levels so that players can claim them..trust me ,a game is fun  whenthe player get  paid well in the form of good rewards
Great little game to pass some time.
1.7K Views 07/27/2022
I'm a big fan of roguelike games but usually prefer a bit more action. While this is definitely challenging it lacks some of the depth I prefer, it's a nice little game that can fill up those 5 minutes of just waiting for something. #TapTapExplorerS1
248 Views 07/26/2022
A Very Addictive Strategy Game With Very Easy Tutorial So It's Easy To Learn Simple But A Complex Game And The Fact They Manage To Make This Game Under 20MB Is Amazing As You Progress Further From The Dept The Difficulty Will Increase And Their Will Be Special Abilities And Buffs You Can Use And I Think Their Is Also Other Game Modes And Achievements You Can Use After Buying Premium And Reaching Dept 16 I Only Manage To Survive Dept 13 So Far.
#TapTapexplorers1 phase2 Are bad reviews allowed?
1.7K Views 07/26/2022
MY gaming experience #TapTapExplorerS1
1.3K Views 07/27/2022
Hoplite is an interesting Roguelike and strategy game, in which the player is encouraged to use his best strategies on the field. Despite being somewhat simple, it is a game that manages to entertain the player for a while. Regarding technical aspects: -The gameplay is pretty cool and fun once you get the hang of it, the roguelike elements help with the diversity of the gameplay, but it gets boring with time.
A Game For You If You Love Statergy Type Game With Pixart Animation!
1.7K Views 07/26/2022
1.4K Views 08/04/2022
Possibly my favorite phone game ever. Addictive, fun, simple to learn, tough to master. Somewhere between chess and a dungeon crawler and a tactical/strategy rpg. Enemy types abide by a strict set of rules and the more you play the better you can predict what the right moves may be, but the random boards, increasing difficulty, and customizable skills that you unlock as you play ensure that no two games are ever the same. Some challenging achievements, just got one left.. #TapTapExplorerS1
One of the best time-killing awesome games ever
6.3K Views 07/26/2022
Hoplite review #TapTapExplorerS1
7.4K Views 07/27/2022
That's everything for now. Start a new game?