Cat Monsters

Cat Monsters

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One day--<p>All over the world, cat-like<br>monsters started appearing.</p>
<p>These cat monsters have entered cat turf and are trying to take over.</p>
<p>If things keep going like this, cats' way of life is in danger.<br>More importantly, it's impossible to take a relaxing afternoon nap...</p>
<p>Brave cats are standing up against them,<br>and fighting to push out the cat monsters.</p>
<p>Kittens vs. Cat monsters' lazy fight starts now!!</p>
<p>Enemies and allies...all are cats(?)!!<br>Bring on the fury! Keep tapping to punch your enemies!<br>An exciting game where you can quickly bring your enemies down!<br>Level up &amp; gather friends to help you defeat them one by one!</p>
<p>*There is some paid content.</p>
<p><br>【BGM】<br>■BGM by : DOVA-SYNDROME<br><a href="网页链接://网页链接;amp;sa=D&amp;usg=AFQjCNHZ_zQtkA7U5s5Vz1eWlrdPaPW7Mg" target="_blank">网页链接;/a></p>
<p>【Sound effect】<br>■Sound effect by : kurage kosho<br><a href="网页链接://网页链接;amp;sa=D&amp;usg=AFQjCNGqQw_YiTjUQ0XG9oCuuHODB_7yxQ" target="_blank">网页链接;/a><br>■Sound effect by : Taira Komori<br><a href="网页链接://网页链接;amp;sa=D&amp;usg=AFQjCNEIyGq7blQkCgacNOCN_p537hj0-g" target="_blank">网页链接;/a><br>■Sound effect by : Pocket Sound<br><a href="网页链接://网页链接;amp;sa=D&amp;usg=AFQjCNF1Bh5SMvbyJIGmvvUWmb9Ws8GEBQ" target="_blank">网页链接;/a></p>


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