Screenshot of Luck be a Landlord
Screenshot of Luck be a Landlord
Screenshot of Luck be a Landlord
Screenshot of Luck be a Landlord
Screenshot of Luck be a Landlord
Luck be a Landlord

Luck be a Landlord

Provider TrampolineTales

Your landlord is knocking on your door. You have one coin left to your name. You insert the coin into your slot machine...and...JACKPOT! Luck be a Landlord, tonight!

FeaturesRoguelite gameplay - The symbols you can add to the slot machine are different every time!Lots of Symbols to add to your slot machine - Each symbol has different effects and interactions.Plenty of Items to choose from - The items are different every time as well, leading to interesting build strategies.A terrible landlord to defeat.A dog you can pet.Capitalism.
Luck be a Landlord now has Screen Reader support! If the Screen Reader setting is enabled (under the Gameplay Settings or by holding the F3 key, 3 key, or L1 on a controller for 5 seconds), the game will output highlighted text to the operating system's clipboard. One can then use a screen reader program to read out the text from the clipboard. Using a Keyboard or Controller instead of a Mouse is ideal when using this mode.


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