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I miss my toaster oven
8 Views 3d
This is like my 3rd review on a game on Taptap. To give some context I haven't used this app in like forever mainly because I got bored but came back and found this game. For what this game is, it's awesome. The intro: Beecarbonizer from now on I will call Carbonizer is a great puzzle "deck" building game. For what you get and what you pay ( nothing ) it's great. The game centers around you some way or another finding a way to solve climate change. The game get some getting used to because the worst part of this game is the tutorial. It's very hard to understand some most of the time your learning on the go.  There are 3 resources being " Resources" ( purple ) , "Man power" ( Orange ) and Science ( Blue ). As you build your world you must manage disasters and the ever building up carbon emissions bar. The high it grows the more problems you have until it reach full and your world collapses if you hadn't died anytime earlier.
TapTap Creator
Beecarbonize PROS and CONS. Is it Good?
798 Views 03/05/2023
968 Views 03/13/2023
The game takes a unique take on the card playing game genre, which is by making you balance the society from emissions and more. This may be seen at first as a game that provides a fun and a need to strategize, but it can also be seen as how hard it is to be a thriving society and consider the environment at the same time. As of today, there are attempts by companies on to reduce the damages that we had done to the world, but the whole world mostly still uses the old ways to progress, that is using fossil fuels and more.
Gaming In The Moment
1.5K Views 03/08/2023
To not miss any future mobile reviews subscribe to my YouTube Channel Playtime: 2.5hrs Beecarbonize has a wholesome message: there is a need to address climate related issues and there are several ways to solve them but we need to be willing to put our short term focus aside and play “the long game”. Unfortunately, as a game, it leaves much to be desired. While there is some variation in events that happen and avenues you can take, once you understand the mechanics there is little reason to return to the game. It is a shame given that there was a clear amount of effort poured into the game evident by the encyclopedia that reflects the use of the cards in game but also what they do in the real world. With the amount of games that are available to choose from, this is one that should be overlooked.
TapTap Creator
Beecarbonize : A Short Game Review
1.6K Views 03/05/2023
I'm always already down for a good card game, but a good card game that might just teach me how to save the world? Now that's something special. Beecarbonize is a card and resource management game that's all about building a modern industrialized society but balancing the scales to figure out a clean, safe future before the environment is destroyed by global warming. That means I was up against the clock in each game as I attempted to discover which combinations of industry, science, society, and ecosystems would lead to a brighter future—or even just any future at all.
1.1K Views 03/08/2023
This is a game about science and you need strategy to win
1.1K Views 03/04/2023
This game is one of a kind. I liked how the gameplay works.
1.2K Views 03/03/2023
Gehrman, The First Hunter
Turn a new leaf and save the bees :)
952 Views 03/08/2023
I had the chance to play Beecarbonize pre-launch and I’m having a wonderful time. Or, at least, as wonderful a time as my morals let me while figuring out how to protect ecosystems and also further the human race’s achievements and sustainability.Created by Charles Games – known for the iconic title Svoboda 1945: Liberation – Beecarbonize is a different type of title for the studio, and is made in collaboration with leading climate experts to give a correct message, and represent real advances that we’ve made. The developer took inspiration from notable card-based games like Cultist Simulator and Stacklands, which is evident in the clean design and easy playability of Beecarbonize.The gameplay is easy to get into and has plenty of cards (120 to be exact) to ensure different results when new things are tried in each run. There’s also speed options if you want to hurry up your industrialisation or slow it down a bit.The game hammers home its message, and with good reason. It opens our eyes to how much damage industries are doing to the planet but reminds us that it’s at least somewhat reversible with the right actions
Kyuzo Kotetsu
Great game, but very short. It takes few hours to run all 5 endings and brake balance for this
1.8K Views 03/08/2023
That's everything for now. Start a new game?