out of 10


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Squad Busters - Gameplay Android / iOS
4K Views 04/23/2024
Squad Busters - Bangwee Review
699 Views 05/02/2024
146 Views 04/25/2024
A really good game with a great potential. The only Thing that I barely Hate Is that players sometimes are very "Toxic": they stars chasing you, Until you're dead. Overall: 🕹️ Controls: A good innovation for Supercell Games. 🎨 Graphics: I really Love It! Hope It doesn't change. 🎵 Sound: Great but could be Better. ⏱️ Load Times: Perfects. Personal Rating: 8.5/10🔥
I'm so excited about playing this game!
4K Views 05/25/2023
Super Manny GAMER
77 Views 04/25/2024
I absolutely LOVE the game, my only 2 pet peeves are that there's no story to why everyone is together and how these portals work and the progression comes to a halt once you reach desert world Just find a way to speed progression up and I'd give the game a 9/10
Green Scavenger
It's the rumble of all the characters in Supercell.
1.4K Views 05/25/2023
0 Views 2d
This game is actually so fun so glad it's going global I definitely recommend it
1 View 4d
👍 Pros: Potential, Graphics, Soundtrack 👎 Cons: Only one mode, hard f2p progress
Squad Busters Pre registration reward and gameplay feedback
20 Views 04/27/2024
Love this game a lot. They're also giving lots of free rewards to other supercell game players too. Musics are just awesome. The baby characters are super cute.
Jim Pit
2 Views 7d
It looks good  i will play it
That's everything for now. Start a new game?