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Tarisland - Bangwee Review
426 Views 2d
Svensk Smith
549 Views 06/05/2024
πŸ‘ Pros: nice graphics even though a bit oriental characters πŸ‘Ž Cons: game mechanics in pc needs some work. too much conversation with NPCs
πŸ‘Ž Cons: I am a die-hard MMORPG fan. In today I stepped into the world of Tarisland's closed beta full of optimism, lured by its pledge to shun the Pay-to-Win model. Here's a walk through my journey, now sprinkled with a dash of emojis to capture the highs and lows: - **Promises vs. Reality**: 🏰 The "No P2W" banner raised my hopes, but the real-money transactions I stumbled upon cast a shadow of doubt, making me question the game's integrity.
3.4K Views 11/18/2023
Definitely worth playing: I was excited for this game but it's looking like it might be a lil p2w after all... and Gender locked classes seriously!?! It's not the dark ages! πŸ˜‚. That aside I had fun playing the cbt, there's quite a lot of content already for an unreleased game and it's full of quests and things to find, it's beautiful too. I experienced very little lag while playing so that's a bonus. (mobile)
1.3K Views 11/17/2023
1.2K Views 11/16/2023
This game is very good in beta. The graphics are really nice for an MMORPG, I played on PC and its beautiful in many areas. The combat is solid, tab target type combat/classic. There is voice acting throughout the areas I explored. Its not the best, but not too bad. The NPCs even talk to each other when you walk by , its interesting. I really like this game and think it has a bright future, it is 100% worth your time to try this.
Choose between two distinct skill setups
2.1K Views 11/08/2023
Curiosity led me to this game
8.4K Views 11/08/2023
Tarisland GAMEPLAY
988 Views 11/08/2023
This one is a cross-platform MMORPG game set in a fantasy world. From the limited details available, the game appears to have dungeons, equipment and gold farming elements. It's good to take note that players take on the role of different classes or professions and engage in PvE and PvP gameplay.
The Lorax
[GAMEPLAY] Tarisland
1K Views 06/06/2023
Tarisland really gave me chills! Another great MMORPG on the market, I just hope it won't be copied by other game developers out there.
Green Scavenger
Tarisland (Gameplay)
1.8K Views 06/06/2023
It looked like a high-level game on PC! It's just so WOW! I can't believe I got to play it while my friends are still looking for where to download it. LOL.
That's everything for now. Start a new game?