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63 Views 1d
👍 Pros: so many, and looks like csgo 👎 Cons: unfair matchmaking But still i like this
91 Views 04/17/2024
I got currently 30 hrs and i spended money for 4K Gold. So... lets talk about what this game can done and whats good; 🎮 Gameplay: Very good for a CSGO Copy. Seriously, it literally has the same feeling as CSGO. Only difference is the recoiling system, so if you were a CSGO player. You may find this game even more easier. There is no Aim Assist unlike the C-OPS, so pure skill based game. Also running while shooting is less punishable in close ranges soo...
635 Views 01/16/2024
Standoff 2 is an amazing game that is very comparable to CS:GO. This doesn't lack much. It's an actual esport game. It play very smooth on low end devices at around 50-60 fps. Doesn't stutter much. Two cons I can think of is that this game for some reason doesn't have an anti-cheat set in place. Which can cause severe problems if your trying to enjoy a simple TDM match or even an ranked defuse match. This sucks especially if you spent literally hundreds of hours trying to rank up and get rewards. I recommended this game for anyone.
858 Views 10/31/2023
Hi gamers, it's Vlad (v3nomX) here! Let's see what's good about this game! 👍 Pros: Nice graphics, doesn't require high specs phone to run, amazing skin, good eSports tournaments, amazing developer support, massive community (700M Downloads from all official stores, 570M active players), much servers to choose from, amazing UI, good weapons and objects physics, perfect clan system, lots of editable settings and game customization, free to change name, good ranking system, no cheaters at all
891 Views 10/30/2023
An excellent shooter that is a bit similar to CS GO. The game has excellent graphics, which are very nice to look at during battle. The game is regularly updated, adding new temporary and permanent modes, weapons and cool skins that you can knock out of boxes or cases (or buy on the market). If you like shooters, then I recommend you play Standoff 2. Good luck shooters! 🔫😄👍
46-LD Vượng
Why standoff 2 dying?
2K Views 10/04/2022
1.1K Views 09/06/2022
It is good but the ping either makes the enemy player easy to kill or easily get killed because the one lagging's avatar placement while lagging is unpredictable and easily mistaken for cheats when the oke not lagging is behind a wall, the one lagging can easily kill you because your avatar to them is frozen, it's not fair in the slightest. Speaking of not fair, there are still quite a few that cheat in the game and when playing competitive you loose points even if there's someone cheating, these should be a REPORT CHEAT Function or a better cheat detection system even though it invalidates it in the match history, it doesn't give the points back. Back to the ping, I belive some people intentionally pick the worst ping servers o they can exploit the ping and ruining the fun, the ping is unpredictable, sometimes you can't move, sometimes everything just freezes and again giving high ping players a huge advantage when their screen is moving but their character isn't and the non lagging players die mysteriously.
2.4K Views 08/16/2022
This game might have been fun if it weren't for the problems it has. Most of the problems are problems that sound like a every multiplayer game problem but for Standoff 2 its problems are special. The problems are as follows: 1. Lag. The lag in this game is abundant in all type of forms from you taking damage even tho you ran behind a concrete wall, enemies just appearing instantly behind a corner to some of your critical opponent killing shot not registering while theirs do
1.2K Views 07/31/2022
I've been playing this game for years since its first released, and one of the reasons i love this game is because the graphics is just very impressive even tho if ur playing on a 2gb ram device, i've played this game at leasts a few years with a 2gb ram device so yea and another thing i like about this game is it is very similar to cs:go(but the only thing thats different is the aim, the aim of this game isn't like csgo so u wont need to aim for feet to get a headshot)
Best Mobile Shooter Game Ever
1K Views 05/30/2022
This is simply the best mobile shooter game ever, I'd even say it's way better than codm or anything else. And I play alot of shooter games, The competitive mode just makes this game the best shooter game on mobile. The graphics are great, animations are awesome, realism is to the top, best recoil in a mobile game, good community, great ranking system, OK servers, amazing models, great UI, OK communication with the Devs and the Community, CSGO but on ur phone, it's actually competitive, it's tactical. It's simply just good at everything except servers. It's the greatest game I have ever played on mobile, u can see for my playtime that I love this game. Competitive mode is top tier, I don't know why people said matchmaking on competitive mode takes too long. I'm on East Asia Region and it takes about 15 - 2 minutes to get a full on 6v6 match. This is my favourite mobile shooter game and I haven't spent any money on it. Great game,
That's everything for now. Start a new game?