Screenshot of Samurai Wars
Screenshot of Samurai Wars
Samurai Wars

Samurai Wars

Provider Felix Ungman
29,164 Downloads23,436 Followers

Samurai Wars is a real-time tactical war-game set in the Sengoku jidai period of medieval Japan. Be a samurai warlord and command your troops on the battlefield, using tactical skill to defeat the enemy army.

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43 Views 02/25/2024
👍 Pros: This game is based off a real life event that lasted until my favorite family Tokugawa and more specifically Ieyasu, finally took control Japan! 🎮 Gameplay: The gameplay has the best 2d experience and I really love that there are so many different types of units and Calvary in there. I wish for this to come back please? For both iOS and Android?
398 Views 10/22/2023
I used to play this game when I was 15 I was obsessed with it
ณัฐชรัฐ แซ่ลี้
3.2K Views 04/09/2023
I want toplay
Brutality Test Ep 1 rated.
3K Views 11/25/2022
Landon “Hippo” Danels
732 Views 10/21/2023
please add this back to IOS. We’d love that and support it
675 Views 04/24/2023
I love this strategy game and the numbers, and how the enemies or Allie’s can route
47 Views 02/26/2023
I remember playing this game all the time as a kid. If your reading this please reach out to the creator of the game to bring this game back!! I miss playing this beautiful game and it’s sad to see it disappear off the AppStore… it would make me feel like a kid again.
Admrl S1aV
964 Views 03/11/2023
I love this game and I want to play it again
926 Views 10/02/2023
I want this back on the AppStore this game gives me the nostalgia and I always loved this game as a kid if the creator adds this back in the AppStore I would pay him 500
The simple genius and sheer potential of this dead game.
173 Views 11/12/2022
This game's mechanics are so simple yet smart. In short: It's all a complicated game of Rock, Paper, and Scissors. I will upload a video about this soon. I'm really saddened that this game has been taken down from the playstore, presumably after the last update; Meaning, it's dead. This game had so much potential. But, it is what it is.
That's everything for now. Start a new game?