out of 10


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Just my opinion
1.1K Views 10/01/2022
i think this game is amazing in terms of gameplay, characters, animation, and story. Sure it's a turn based game but I like those types of game where you don't need to stare at your screen at every encounter or listening to enemy step, but there's a  few reason why I like the Japanese version more : 1. There's more chain reaction ( triple quick that gives you extra crit, ABQ Chain 2. The free 5* servants ( not every 5* btw just a few of them, but still really useful )
Baron Q
257 Views 01/18/2022
great game definitely should give it go ask anyone who had played it and they would say the same but there things that irked me despite the Salt thickening Gacha rates being the one of them I have come into terms with but there are things that just shouldn't be tolerated. 1. The games sometimes hangs and lags this matter is not just due to the phone performance but also the game's optimization and anti cheat programs
Old but Still Perfectly Balanced
3.7K Views 08/18/2022
Fate Grand Order honest review.
2.6K Views 09/25/2022
Re : 404
Small review I guess
1.4K Views 10/28/2022
Story, music, and animation is up there for gacha games.. gameplay not quite but I enjoyed it. Gacha is bad like always but this is worse, I know it feel like gambling in eal life when your hardwork of saving gone to get nothing but c'mon boost the rate up and gacha this is not real life
1.2K Views 12/06/2022
Very good gacha game tho the drop rates are trash they still give you quartz, tho I have a question, when will it be updated? Its been like a week and I sure hope I dont miss the Christmas e
What you need is patience
1.6K Views 12/29/2022
I gave this game a lot of chances because i really like fate characters and when i finally manage to get a lucky account i was finally drawn in from the characters well done noble phantasm animations and it's true what most veteran players say. This game is more generous for players who stay.
The best story in all gatcha games, hands down. It can make you laugh and bring you to tears. It's also great that you don't have to have all 5* servants to win because 3* are great too. Also, it's nice to think that whenever you pull a good 5* or 4* that it's Fate that brought them to you. Just trust your heart and your instincts, that's what kind of game this is.
1.5K Views 08/22/2022
Hello ladies and gentlemen. Nearly a month postponed this review and at last I after all could... (Of course, it is amusing that I cannot in the afternoon, and here in 3 AM - I write) Well it is fine, honestly and at once I can tell that it will be a question of the best GAChA to a game. To your attention - FATE/GO 1) I want to note at once that this game has 4 different versions of a game which are focused on the different countries, and it: Japan, English-speaking countries (US), China and Taiwan. Japan among other brothers has the latest version of a game which on updates overcomes others on 2-3 versions, has characters, a plot, events which are not simply on other servers. Therefore life hack - you want to learn what in the future waits for you - download the Japanese version and you look. I play itself on the English version, on Japanese came only for the sake of viewing the future. Concerning Chinese and the Taiwan version - I do not know, the last information was only such that China began to pass beta тестмрование.
705 Views 04/30/2024
174 Views 05/17/2024
🕹️ Controls: pretty easy to understand and easier on my phone 📖 Storyline: its beautiful plus so many waifus 👍 Pros: the gacha makes it so exciting 👎 Cons: am broke 🎬 Presentation: 100/10
That's everything for now. Start a new game?