out of 10


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🎬 Presentation: The primary character in Limbo is a nameless boy in search of his sister, who awakens in the middle of a forest on the "edge of hell" (the game's title is taken from the Latin limbus, meaning "edge"), where he encounters a giant spider who tries to kill him. 🎮 Gameplay: In the game Limbo, players control a boy navigating a two-dimensional world with platforming elements. The dark, greyscale graphics and minimalist sounds create an eerie atmosphere. The game includes various hazards like bear traps and monsters hidden in the shadows. The second half introduces mechanical puzzles and traps involving machinery, electromagnets, and gravity. Deaths are frequent, and players can restart at checkpoints. Some traps can be turned to the player's advantage. Limbo is described as a "trial and death" game, featuring optional gore with achievements such as finding hidden insect eggs and completing the game with minimal deaths.
944 Views 12/20/2023
974 Views 07/06/2023
The graphics and gameplay are very good, although the gameplay is a bit difficult😅
85 Views 12/07/2023
sSimply sensational, great gaming immersion and captivating story, easy and functional controls, a complete game with a great ending.
544 Views 04/09/2023
Simple game control and great both graphics and sound effects. No bugs encounter after 40 hours of gameplay
45 Views 02/13/2024
👎 Cons:  Sadly it lacks more content, i wish there was more
Gaming In The Moment
Not Lost In Limbo
1.2K Views 04/21/2023
To not miss any future mobile reviews subscribe to my YouTube Channel Score 8.5/10 Personal Playtime: ~2 hours Full Review: You are playing Limbo for an experience. I can assure you that if you have heard nothing about this game that will make the experience even better.. If you have, you will still find it quite enjoyable. It is a puzzle platformer but it has a much darker tone than most. To not spoil any aspects of it, I will limit some of the things that will be mentioned in this review. I will say that there were a few points knocked off in terms of score because some of the puzzles required very precise timing with your jumps. However, there were times where the controls did not feel as responsive as I would have liked. Particularly one jump nearing the end of the game. The game is also fairly short, logging in at about 2 hours and I wish that there was a little bit more in terms of diversity of gameplay mechanics. I would, however, highly recommend it especially if you have limited knowledge of it.
449 Views 05/23/2023
The mechanics are simple, the visuals are atmospheric, and the music is haunting. Overall a small but great game to play 10/10
318 Views 11/27/2023
💰 Value for Money: NO one knowing what they  are buying will ever regret their decision People will think its cheap with the black colour character if not everything black and wondering how the gameplay would be affected by that but almost everything is noticeable and some are intentionally hidden Well they got their own ways for the puzzle 🤫💗
15 Views 03/12/2024
It's been a long time since i played it but one of the best games out there.
Loukmane Tinta
83 Views 01/08/2024
Very good, one of my favorite games
That's everything for now. Start a new game?