First of all, I'm a fan of Torchlight and I have really high expectation when it come to mobile. After playing around 1 hour, the game overall is good, but it really can improve and much more interesting. Here my recommendations:
1/ The map quite pointless, nothing to discover around or unexpected stuff, just go straight to the target and clear mobs all the way. Even Diablo can do much better than this from 10 years ago, that frustrating.
2/ Mobs are stupid and souless as usual, but also weak af. Most of them die before I can aware them, and I don't even need to use skill, that boring.
3/ All the NPCs and dialogue uge is likely to be there for nothing, seriously.
4/ Boss are tough but no intense at all, they just throw random shit and I go around and press free fire for 5 minute each. How pathetic can this be more.
Please, read all the feedback out there, make this game more challenging, interesting, put something more for player to discover and playing around.
Mentioned games
Torchlight: Infinite GM
It seems that you are already very powerful, and you can run amok in the land of Laitis! But don't worry, the more difficult monsters are in the later stage, and the challenge of Netherrealm is waiting for you~
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