game got good story, voice over for characters and map layout but that all
1. The combat is so boring and easy that I didn't even have to worry about losing until lv60 (even without buying shit from their store
2. Skills are automatically upgrade when level up instead of letting the player make their own build and there skills that are unlock after reaching a certain lv but with the automatic skills lv up system, you often see a skill lv 10 worse then a skill lv 2
3. The game got so many system but dont show is what they do and you have to find out for yourself like: adventure (guild), warband, essence transfer,...
4. Hey remember gold? The currency that you found the most in the game? It's fake! You can use them when upgrade gear and gem or other things but you will never ran out of gold even if you try because the dev more focus on the P2W systems and just use coin as a illusion of you getting somewhere with it as a F2P
5. You cant just upgrade a set of armor that you like but just keep on using the better armor you found 3 minutes later and repeat so much that you cant doendgame fashion (unless you use the pay fashion in the store) but just wear the edgy gear that the game give you
6. The game store alerts for discount and bundle is just annoying for F2P and bait for the diable fandom
My english is bad so sorrry for that
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