At first I thought it was somekind of like VRChat, but nope.
it was your typical mobile MMO but at least the concept are quite new.
Gameplay are quite fun and boring depend on how u play it, but the problem are the server.
it couldn't stand so many ppl at the same time, so expected lag or game crashed and Good news, you can't hide other players, so just get used with those lag and crash even though you already lowering your setting. also I remember there's a mission from Joanna which you do somekind of Fashion show, they show u the cutscene but the animation are waaay to heavy to the point it keep straight force close my phone lmao
and funny thing, you can't cancel the News Feed mission, so you mandatory to always clear it before taking other  quest.
Well you could still take other quest (max 3) but I don't recommend it.
last time I do this, I'm getting stuck with my progress and can't do anything 😂
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