Surviving Zombies in 1 Bit

So we're currently in the Survivor Game Era, from to vampire Survivor and many more survivor games that are built the same way seeing how long you can last while powering up. 1 Bit Survivor tries something a bit different but still very familiar with the format they chose with this game. So The game is played in top down format and you only move to gain gas every day and all of your enemies move per square every time you move so there's a strategy behind your battles. As this game plays just like other roguelikes out there this all have to be done in one run or it's game over. Clicking start gave me heavy resident evil vibes.
The graphics gives me nostalgia with the Pokémon reference to style. Most beautiful part about this game is how simplistic it is it doesn't overcomplicate e levels and fairly simple just grab the gas and you can escape the level and of course you must do this 28 times. In my current I was able to get to Day 12 before I got overran by a Bloater. Now every level has ways of aiding the player, from health kits, refresh of bullets, car repairs. You do not have to kill every mob you come across since you have to save bullets till you get a refresh and using the knife isn't very beneficial against some mobs who takes more than 1 damage to kill.
This is a zombie-filled world so for your travels so you're not alone you do get a nice little cat companion o is your whole motivation to leaving this city that plans to be destroyed in a month. The game difficulty is fairly casual but the mastery of it is where the challenge truly begins. As every level is procedurally generated so following Roguelike principles every run is quite different. Taking a pointer from Resident Evil, Resources matter 100 percent of the time.
As every gunshot and movement plays a major part whether you live or die. So players can't predict movements of the Zeds, there is an looming FOG(fog of war) clouding the city so in order to see enemies you must be within view range. The animations of the player character shooting his gun is honestly very awesome to look at watching the zed blow up from this 2D to 3D animation.
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