Graviter: A Quick Gameplay Review

Graviter is an RPG adventure mobile game which as per my experience, I find it quite interesting and very challenging.  The moment you enter the game, you can already see on the screen the keys to help you move right, left and also up and down. I was quite amazed how the character could just jump in an anti-gravitational way, and we can walk in the opposite direction of the ground. By the way this game does not have story plot or tutorial all you got to do is figure out what your next move is going to be. I really liked that concept, because it increases that rush and curiosity for your next step. In the gameplay, you not only have this cool move as I mentioned, but also being a kind of a puzzle game, it makes the game more interesting as we always anticipate for the next move. All you got to do is collect the keys that’s located on different parts of the screen and figure out how you are going to get the key to enter through the door that’s locked. As you enter into the door, the next scene is showed.
In some part of the game, I was really tired because some moves really need to be done with lots of strategies or else, you’re going to get stuck in the same place. But I feel that’s the essence of the game figuring out the next move and trying to do in a way that you can exceed. I thoroughly enjoyed this game and the game background is also really nice gives that puzzle type vibe, and the background music is really fantastic gives that mystical type vibe.
Even though the game was challenging, I really enjoyed the game because the game had lots of interesting puzzles to solve to reach to the key and pass through the next level, the more the level rise the more the puzzle gets interesting. After solving every puzzle, I find so much of satisfaction as if I have achieved something really great. If you are not able to solve puzzle it can turn out to be very hard and challenging but, once you solve the puzzle, oh that relief, it’s so amazing and satisfactory. I felt like I was in some therapy class, haha. Anyway, guys if you are into puzzle and mind challenging game then this game is a must to play, I would totally recommend it!
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