Dark and Light Mobile - Iron Heel Legion Guide

Known as the Iron Heel Legion, these strong centaurs built their military-like camp in the valley near Wald Town. Being good at making wines and jams and living near the main city of human beings, gradually they became allies with humans.
But if you are going to fight against them, maybe the following tips would offer some guidance.
Iron Heel Battleaxe Shield Holder
Wandering around the camp, they are the basic melee units of Iron Heel Legion. Easy to handle.
Iron Heel Spearman
As ranged units of Iron Heel Legion, the way they attack is to cast stone spears to their enemies. Just be careful with their missiles, they wouldn't be threats to you.
Iron Heel Sentinel
Long-range shooters, distributed on their guard towers. Like Iron Heel Spearman, they would attack intruders by casting spears. Usually they won't leave their camp towers.
Valorous Iron Heel Battleaxe Shield Holder
Elite monsters. They are good at both melee and ranged attack. The most effective way of defeating them is to take advantage of the height differences on slopes. Their attack would be missed if they are much higher than you. :p
Khan Chiron
Strong and tall in appearance, armed with exquisite armor, he is the supreme leader of Iron Heel Legion.
Be careful with his swift double slash in the combat. Better join a group or take with your pets together to defeat him.
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