Your Choices Affect The Story In Vendir: Plague Of Lies....

Vendir: Plague of Lies is an open world exploration mixed with turn-based combat. The character creation at the beginning is decent but the character models themselves look pretty bad. The core gameplay is where the game shines and leaves very little to be desired. Your character has a detailed stat sheet similar to what you would find in a dungeon and dragons' game. When you level up you get stat points that you can allocate however you want. This plays a huge role during the story because many interactions will have you choose your dialogue response. Depending on your stats, sometimes you can make a special choice and really shift the outcome of the situation. 
The turn-based combat is also very fun giving you several different options to choose from depending on the characters in your party. Again, though much like the character creation, the graphics during combat scenes is not very appealing. The game gives you a lot of options as to what you want to do. You can do the main quests or wander around and talk to NPCs and do side quests for them. You can also just go around the world and harvest foods and items so that you can craft powerful potions of new items. The crafting system is easy to use and not overwhelming.
Overall, this is a great game that is a lot of fun to play and explore. It has a great story that most will enjoy. It can be a lot of text to read through and I wish there was voice acting done. I say give it a try, because I think most people will enjoy this game.
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