Gomorrah - A Quick Game Review

Gomorrah is a text-based novel like adventure RPG mobile game where you play as Nina in a mafia society in Italy. I heavily appreciated the great story plot of this game where our character is trying to establish her empire out of her father's legacy. I was quite impressed how the choices I made could heavily impact the gameplay progression. The dialogues written were very profound and professional, which I enjoyed reading and could easily relate to story content.
The story plot definitely makes a lot for this game where you can see how the story unfolds in a very interesting way for our main character depending upon the choices you make with the resources available. In this RPG game, you have to use resources to make your decisions. I realized that usually there are two options where one resort to violence and another resort to peaceful means to solve the situation is a sneaky manner.
As you need resources to progress through the game, you will need to earn a lot of them by clearing out missions. Clear out missions easily by recruiting units that can give you high chance of success for the given mission. I really loved this mechanics in this game and I think its very unique to this game as other similar games does not have this kind of resource management mechanics. You spend few of selected resources to earn more of other types of resources in the game which could highly impact later on in your decision making abilities.
There are a lots of a chapters in this game, which I enjoyed playing and reading. As I progressed through the chapters, I could see how my character was gradually evolving to be the capable leader of the mafia clan and shoulder the heritage. Sadly, this lovely game will cost you $2.99 USD to play this game. Its available for both IOS and Android devices.
Overall, this game is an amazing masterpiece that you gotta try out! Not only the gameplay mechanics is intriguing but the fantastic story plot will get you hooked as well. Witness how Nina will raise into the power gradually depending upon how you build her up with your choices. Even though, this game is pay to play, its certainly worth playing!
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