Beecarbonize PROS and CONS. Is it Good?

Beecarbonize have nice idea behind it, and gameplay seems fun. But what about the drawbacks, is there any?
In this article we will talk about both good and bad sides of Beecarbonize so you can decide if this is the right game for you.
1. Important goals
The idea of the game and your goal is to save Earth from global ecological disaster. Basically its up to you to prevent end of the world. Threats are realistic and means of fighting them are something we all know.
2. Challenging gameplay
Saving the world is a hard task and you will have to balance between profitability and ecology as you progress the game. Random events will add some distractions to your plans and if you wont be able to counter them in time it will end your run.
3. Different strategies
There are several ways how you can play the game. You can be aggressive and try to overcome ecological problems with resources, or go green economy and slowly grow without much harm to the environment. There are at least 6 ways how to win the game and even more ways to lose, so experiment and find your own way.
4. Game is free
This a free game, and it have a very interesting and captivating gameplay. If you lose you want to give another go to try something different. And just like that all the way until you win and save the Earth from imminent end.
1. Game length
Game itself is pretty short. It takes about 1-2 hours to go through the full run to the victory.  Although if you get the wrong strategy you can lose at any moment and will have to start from the scratch.
2. Low replayability value
If you found 2-3 strategies that suits you to win the game, there are not that many things you can do afterwards. Game will become easy and you will find no challenge unlocking the last endings
Verdict. Is Beecarbonize good?
Beecarbonize is a very good card strategy game, that is fun to play, no matter if you care about ecology or not. Gameplay is interesting and engaging. Obstacles on your way are challenging, but not too much, good balance and nice game flow.
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