Vendir: Plague of Lies Review by Ginisis

The beginning of RPG gaming was far more different then what we have now days, now days every game just slap RPG on there title and put some very lame and basic RPG elements on the game with base gameplay is focus on action rather then RPG,,
But the OG RPG god was Baldur's Get,, The BG has been and still to this day is very deep RPG game that actually deserve the title of RPG (Roll Playing Game), Many games try really hard to catch magic of BG and some of them are also great Diablo is an example, but thinking of having a game that try to mimic the BG is just impossible for me especially on Android, I play many RPG games that felt great but never felt anything close to Diablos  2 or BG 2, but I was extremely shocked and impressed with this game presentation and the writing, this game is just almost a masterpiece but the reason it's not is that because it's an Android game and as we all know android game only want to force people to watch add or pay money for daily basis, This game shine on everything with excellent atmosphere and dark depressing world with beautiful slow music that just match so well, it feel like you are inside a dark fantasy novel,,
With everything great until I reached the point where I have face the beginning enemy design, these kind of games are not about graphics or even atmosphere, the biggest things about these kind of RPG are the gameplay and the story, because the gameplay must be deep with multiple play style and also full RPG, which means u make all the decision,  From what kind of character you want to make to what kind of story you want to follow everything is part of the role playing games, So how does this game implement all these mechanics??
Well unfortunately it's horrible, the gameplay is turn base unlikedia Diablo or BG, It's more like final fantasy and it is worse, From the beginning of the game you are always losing almost every battle but you do survive and then you have to use healing item which is a common thing in RPG games,  but not in this game and this game, you have to heal from a character in the game and this character is warning you from start of the game that he will heal you but not forever, And soon after playing for almost one or two hours the game turn out to be another cheap Android game,
So basically the healer required gold and how do you earn gold? by killing enemy  simple right, well not really,  you see you have to eat breed to heal which you can craft with items that you harvest on the map or the farms,
there is a craft mechanic in this game which is pretty good but unfortunately it's not good when it comes to healing item,
So just notice this pattern I'm going to explain,, soon after harvesting an item for healing bread you will end up with the problem that you need to heal consistently in this game because of how unfair the enemy's are, and the item that you need to harvest have response timer,
And timer is pretty long timer, so the idea of crafting healing item gets out of the window, because your character health are so much even in the start of the game and the breed heal so little health that you will have to at least use 3 healing item to fully heal 1 hero,
and start of the game you have 2 heros which means 6 healing items and as far I notice even playing 1 hour I only able to make 5 breed,, so again it's like other android game that force player to wait for healing your hero or pay to just heal right away, but in this game there is no pay mechanics at least not in the start of the game , but there is this healer guy which in the beginning heal you for free but every times heal you he tell you that the free healing is not forever, and after completing some quest you will face enemy's that are extremely strong with very high damage and also armor, so basically this guy will ask you to pay money to heal your hero and then the game show you small window to watch ad to get money, but even that ad only give 40 coin and this healer NPC is asking for 180 coin to heal you,, this is only one thing I'm pointing out that requires gold that is healing but the game required gold for every single things,,,
The game has a usual looting system just like mostly RPG but in this game the basic problem is that normal enemies are just so strong so looting is a different thing first you have to beat them and how do you beat them strong enemy's as we all know with batter equipment, and if you have better equipment then you are going to beat them enemy's but again better equipment required lots of  money,, and get money you have to kill more enemy's but again how can u kill enemy's when you need healing after every single batter, or you just die fighting extremely broken enemy with very level equipment and you heros again need heal and you lost from the enemy and you have half health and no money,,,,,
so as you see it's a pattern everything require money and how do you get money by watching ad and that's shame,  that the ad paying so little money that you have to watch multiple add,, this is why I'm so disappointed,,
I understand many people might not see this trick because of how great the game is,
But not me because this is what I do every day  I review games with my life experience with gaming and I know this cheap tactics,, maybe it's not the developer maybe that's what publisher wanted because in this game case the game is extremely well made but still they implemented this forced watch ad,
And its very sad and disappointed thing to see in a game like this,,
What I  don't understand why they just don't make this game a premium game it should have been a premium game so once you buy it after that there is no ad,,
There is no this cheap mechanic you can actually play the game and you feel like you are winning and you are doing better in the game rather than relying on this stupid ad to heal you,, everything about this game is excellent but the battle in the combat is just garbage,,,
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Simone Flakes
Simone Flakes
Seems like skill issue to me. This game is supposed to be hard, especially in the earlier stages. You've been ranting about healing and being scared of death but dying literally has little to no penalty at all, you don't lose exp, gold or your stuff. Bet you didn't even grind for levels when you noticed the big gap between you and the enemies.
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well have you even play the game? obviously you have not just many of others commenting here, if u die in this game your health is half and also u lost the items you used in the battle, items like healing item if u don't understand what I meant by item, and which Diablo like rpg game you lose items or gold after dying? the issue in not the game is hard, I play every type of games, for your info I'm one of those crazy gamers that compared Bloodborne without leveling up, but here the issue is the game mechanics that are forcing me to watch ads, read the review fully then u might understand what I'm talking about, if not then play the game which I'm 100% sure you have not even play 5 hours of this game if u did then u would understand what I'm talking about,,
Eletea Amara
Eletea Amara
Sounds like you're just unwilling to adapt to a cutthroat RPG that doesn't hold your hand. This game is supposed to be ruthless at the start, pick your fights wisely and spend your money where you should be. Do the easier quests at the start that don't require you to fight anything, these give you enough exp to start rolling. If you're still having issues, join the discord and read up on the beginners guide.
read the guides? are you seriously defending this game? are being paid or something? because you obviously didn't play this game that's why u r not talking about any issues I mentioned, how am I supposed to pick fight ? it's random encounter game, how am I supposed to save money when there is no way to earn money other then killing mobs, and keep your guide to your self, your talking with someone who play all classic Diablo, Skyrim, finally fantasy, games, I'm playing ATOM RPG right now and that game is far more harder then this game but I have no issue with that game because it's not an cheep game design that force the pay money idea Infront of the player, answer my criticism if you can don't piss off my mind,, thank you
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Jack Label
Jack Label
Ye. its too grindy from the start i can barely do anything to progress about everything. the best thing to do is buy very expensive gear out of nowhere and get bit happy
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RPG game should be grindy but not like this one, I sad though, what a west
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TapTap Editor
Nice review bro!
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thank you 😊
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Alejandro Bastida Sebastian
Alejandro Bastida Sebastian
before post garbage learn to play, you can heal just crafting food,is free and you can farm 10 bread in 5 mins
bro I know how to play and I know you can heal with the items that you can creat,, so u mean to tell me that I have to wait 5 minutes after every battle so the farm response the item and then take the item to make healing item and then heal my character? or watch a add to get money to pay the healer to heal?? you obviously never play any good RPG, this game is designed badly and I'm simply pointing out that true fact, and it's garbage only because it's forcing player to watch add,, I would love to buy the premium game but as we see there is no premium because the developers just don't care about the player base they care about earning money in cheep way, so just like that I don't care how the game forcing me to watch add to only heal my character or spend 1 hour to heal my character only 10 time,, I would suggest you should play BG and I might understand how hard those games were but not like this unbalance game
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I have a healer class so i dont need food or pay
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Aman Lathwal
Aman Lathwal
funny though
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Aman Lathwal
Aman Lathwal
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