"Next" only in name ?

Real Racing is an award-winning mobile racing game series created by Firemonkeys studio based in Australia. For years, Real Racing was the most famous racing game for mobile devices, with its initial release in 2009 only for the iOS system.
In May 2011, Electronic Arts announced the acquisition of Firemint for an undisclosed amount, making it an in-house studio of Electronic Arts. IronMonkey Studios was also placed under the protection of Electronic Arts in 2010. In July 2012, Firemint announced in a blog post that it would merge with EA's IronMonkey Studios and merge their names into Firemonkey.
After several franchise releases, with the latest being Real Racing 3, available on app stores and compatible with various devices, the Real Racing franchise seemed to have stalled, taking over 7 years for Electronic Arts to announce the project that would be the continuation of this game franchise.
Known as Real Racing Next, it would be the game that would continue the Electronic Arts game franchise. However, as the game appeared, it also disappeared, since its beta in 2021, nothing more is known about the game.
With EA canceling several of its mobile games in recent months, franchises like Apex Mobile and Battlefield Mobile being canceled overnight without any prior explanation as to why. Following this line of thought, we can believe that Real Racing Next was also one of the games that had its days numbered and its development canceled behind the scenes, just like Battlefield Mobile, which was canceled shortly after releasing a beta of the game and making the cancellation public months later.
Could Real Racing Next come back?
In contact with D-S, an experienced player, he told us the following:
"Looking at the mistakes EA has made in recent years, I believe that 'Next' remained only in the name and it could take a few more years for the company to decide to make a continuation for the franchise.
With EA's recent track record of mobile game failures and with various games being released in the same genre and bringing competition for the audience, EA would not risk bringing a continuation to the game at this time. It would be a very big risk and would not be profitable.
We can use Apex Mobile as a reference, where month after month, the game lost revenue until the point where they decided to cancel the game."
With the possible cancellation of "Next," you can still have fun playing Real Racing 3, an extremely boring game that, despite its years, is stuck in time. It still serves to take your money away with tedious updates and a false sense of a great game. Until Electronic Arts decides it is no longer worth keeping the game and removes it from stores, taking your money away without any explanation and without the right to a refund. In the end, what matters is money, not the consumer. This is the methodology used by various game companies, not just a specific one.
Mentioned games
this shit will be considered to be floppest real racing game ever seen in EA racing games franchise.
sandwip mustafiz
sandwip mustafiz
this shit won't come...
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