A minimalistic rhythm game with lines and circles | First Impressions - Rizline

Minimalistic vertical lines that flow through the screen, lines that are swaying along with the music. and a two finger simple touch controls that anyone can follow — Rizline is a new rhythm game from Pigeon Games — the same makers of another popular rhythm game titled Phigros. I had the chance to try this game out and it's really a lot of fun and can cater both casual and hardcore rhythm enthusiasts.
The gameplay of Rizline involves tracking various lines with falling circles, and tapping the screen once it hits the bottom circle. The player's accuracy and timing are measured using a scoring system, which rewards players for hitting notes timely, correctly, and penalizes them for missing or hitting notes at the wrong time. Miss too many notes and the run will fail, but the progression is still recorded if it's a new high score.
Rizline’s rhythm game mechanics is easy to learn and only requires two fingers from each hand to use and tap the screen. The circles are only dropping one or two at a time, albeit in all sorts of challenging ways, and the players won’t have to use many fingers in a very convoluted screen mashing action even for higher difficulties. As for precision, players just need to tap the general direction of the corresponding bottom circle and not tap directly on it. Something that I erroneously tried to do in my first few song runs.
The lowest difficulty for the songs are easy enough and I keep finding myself perfecting them, however the hard and insane difficulty is another story that will require practice and great timing or reflexes to even complete. The number of notes are significantly increased, and the amount of swaying, wobbling, swapping, and additional distracting elements can prove to be too much for the casual player, and that’s where the hardcore players come in.
Ofcourse, a rhythm game is only going to be as good as its accompanying music, and Rizline delivers in that department as well with a solid line-up of tracks to play consisting a mix of soothing EDM music and a relaxing anime-esque soundtrack. It starts off with 3 amazingly crafted songs, with more to unlock and download (in-game) as you play.
As a first impression, Rizline is looking like a solid entry into the mobile rhythm game genre with its minimalistic art style, well crafted roster of songs, and simple but novel mechanic, and I’m very much inclined to play more and unlock more songs. I’m looking forward to the eventual release soon, for both Android and iOS.
Full Review will be posted soon here on Taptap! Stay tuned!
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