Its finally time to embark your designer journey 🤍

I can’t put this game down! After a year of waiting and several times testing (I’m glad I was chosen amongst everyone else that was able to) it is FINALLY here!! 😭 I’ve been playing this for 2 weeks now and I can’t put my phone down! 😩🫶🏼 beautiful job on design the game! I do want to say one thing, some of the subtitles of the game when you are reading doesn’t match up on what the characters are saying, is pretty minor but I know some
People find that a little bit bothersome. I’m glad I’m now able to play the game in peace and at my own paced! 🤣 not trying to beat time before the servers shut down! 😂😅 I can say that the game is also very rewarding!! I can spend a goo 10-15 minutes just ok the main screen clearing rewards! 😍☺️ I love it! I can’t wait to keep seeing this game glow because it deserves it for the amount of time and dedication they put into it! 💕💖🤍💕💖🩵🕊️ if you haven’t had the chance too…check it out!
here are some of my screenshots from several days ago 😊 enjoy!
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