A baseball game for a baseball fan | BASEBALL 9

I love baseball. It is my favorite sport out of any other sports like basketball, football, and cheese rolling. A dream of mine would be to be a great second baseman. If you don’t really like baseball, or don’t really prefer it, that’s fine. We all have our own taste.
The rules
Before I talk about the game, let me just tell you some of the basics. There’s 9 innings, 4 balls, 3 strike, and 3 outs. There are also 9 different fielding positions from the infield to the outfield. A hitter stands in a box near the catcher. A pitcher throws fastballs and off speed pitches to try to stoke them out. The bitter must get on base by any means. There are 3 bases and a home base. Get to home base, your team earns a run. The team with the most runs win. There’s a lot more to talk about, but it’s a bit more complicated, so let’s talk about BASEBALL9.
The game
The game is an excellent piece of a game. It has their own teams, players, and even leagues. As some other games, you
can upgrade players and your team. Players can be upgraded to be better in games. Team upgrades could be better. One notable point are the coaches. But that would be for another time. Let’s just talk about the the game and the many other mechanics itself.
The gameplay is very simple and easy to get the hang of. Depending on if you are home or away, you will be either hitting or pitching first. Pitching is very easy. You are usually given 3 different pitches. Just pressed the cycle button to switch pitches, then the pitch button to throw. As you pitch, you can use the left button to move the pitch around the zone. The “IBB” button lets to hitter advance to first base. Hitting is different and a little harder to control. You have to time the ball to be able to hit it in the field. Not to mention all the other types of hits.
Now let’s say that the ball is in the play area of the field. Depending which team is defense, the goal is to get the runner out, or at least keep them from getting any further. If successful, the runner is out, and you will be closer to ending the inning. Just hope your nothing the ones hitting the hard grounders.
Hit the ball right, and you can get yourself one of these. There hasn’t been a time where I’ve been glad to see my hotter hit a home run. Especially when the bases are loaded.
With all of that, I’m giving gameplay a 9/10.
Graphics and music
The graphics are pretty simple. It’s not anything special. The animations and customization makes it a little better, but it’s all the same. The music kind of the same. At the right moments it does have it’s time, but nothing is really unique.
That’s why I’m only giving this a 7/10.
The AI
Before I start this, I wanna say that characters that move automatically need good AI. It’s not all manual play and a good, functional AI can make all the difference. Games like Alien isolation for example as AI done right. This game has AI. Yeah. That’s all I’m giving. Just hope that you won’t be the guy that gets errors.
Overall, an 5/10.
Oh boy. The amount the customization in this game. You can design almost everything. The players, their equipment, even being able to buy new fields. This game has customization up the wazoo.
This is getting a 8/10.
This game is a perfect baseball game for a baseball fan. Got some time to waste, just play a couple innings for a quick while. Not to mention being able to play in the season championship; winning and moving up in the league. Now go and make the perfect baseball team. With limitless customization and mediocre batting averages. This game deserves a perfect score. 9/10. Have a great day.
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Neudis Martinez
Neudis Martinez
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