Arcade Racing at its Finest | Full Review - Ace Racer

Ace Racer, developed and published by NetEase, is a mobile arcade racing game that aims to combine simple controls, high-octane street racing, and arcade-style abilities that vary from vehicle to vehicle. Featuring AAA levels of graphics, dynamic races, and a plethora of customization options.
+Thrilling and fun arcade-style racing
+Plenty of customization options with your character and cars
+Multiplayer mode, solo or team based matchmaking
-Matchmaking is a bit unbalanced, especially when getting matched with higher leveled players
Ace Racer boasts stunning graphics that rival even console racing games in terms of fidelity and effects, and it runs very smoothly and accordingly on my Snapdragon 888, allowing for max visuals and 60fps performance at the same time. From the detailed environments to the sleek and realistic car models, the game's visual presentation is top-notch. The attention to detail is evident in the way the cars speed and drift around, the dynamic lighting effects, and the fluid animations.
The game offers an arcade-style racing experience that is both accessible to newcomers and challenging for seasoned players. For starters, the cars auto accelerate in this game, so players only need to worry about cornering or making turns. The controls are responsive and intuitive, allowing for a choice between manual drifting, and automated drifting when there are corners. I’ve found both choices equally as compelling, and even the automated drifting is enough for my needs. The game strikes a balance between realistic visuals and fun arcade gameplay, providing an enjoyable racing experience without sacrificing the accessibility and excitement.
Drifting is important in this game. Not only is it essential for efficient cornering, but it is also required to replenish your Nitro meter. Using Nitro in turn refills your ultimate meter, making drifting the single most important gameplay element in racing.
These nitro-fueled races are fast-paced, action-packed, and filled with thrilling moments as you navigate through a variety of race tracks with different terrains. Each race track offers a unique and challenging experience, featuring a plethora of obstacles, barricades, and elements that keep players on their toes. Additionally, some tracks present alternate routes, adding an exciting risk-reward dynamic to the gameplay. Players can choose between taking the longer, easier route or attempting a daring long ramp jump, which carries the risk of not reaching the other end and falling down the bridge.
The game offers a fully licensed iconic collection of real-life and also fictional cars available for players to choose from as part of their ride in the game. Each car is further customizable and upgradeable for better performance as suited best by the players. The collection includes but is not limited to Porsche 911, Nissan GT-R, and other real-life luxury rides. Some of these rides have been tweaked and are combined versions of real-time classic cars added to the game by developers.
Not only that, but Ace Racer also allows you to customize your racer, including their looks, cosmetics, and overall appearance. The game goes the extra mile to include the actual driver in the game's presentation, adding a personal touch and enhancing the immersive experience.
Aside from Solo Races and Career mode time-attack levels, Ace Racer embraces multiplayer elements, allowing players to compete against each other, form teams, and participate in 3vs3 matches. The multiplayer mode offers the opportunity to challenge friends or other players in real-time races, adding a competitive aspect to the game. Collaborating with a partner in the limited-time Duo Rally mode (Available only from June 16 to June 22 for now) enhances the teamwork experience, as players work together to secure victory and share the excitement of winning.
The multiplayer component adds replayability and social interaction, as players can join racing clubs, compete in leaderboards, and engage in friendly rivalries. The ability to strategize and coordinate with teammates further enhances the depth of the gameplay. However, you are subject to the gears and vehicle levels of other players. This can sometimes lead to an uneven playing field, where players with higher-level vehicles may have an advantage over those with lower-level ones. It's important to keep in mind that this aspect of the game can impact the overall competitiveness and fairness of the races.
Ace Racer follows a live service model, continuously providing updates and new content to keep players engaged. The game introduces regular events, challenges, in-game purchases, and limited-time game modes to keep the experience fresh and dynamic.
Seasonal updates, such as the new Season 3, bring new vehicles, outfits, and gameplay features that expand the game's offerings.
One of the main highlights in Season 3 is the Garage system.
Players can unlock and customize their in-game garages, adding vehicles, outfits, rims, furniture, and even swimming pools. This feature allows for more personalization and self-expression, giving players the ability to showcase their style and achievements. The Garage system adds a sense of ownership and serves as a hub for players to admire their collection of vehicles and customize their surroundings.
Season 3 also introduces two exciting new vehicles: the Paladin and the Beach Wayfarer.
The Paladin, obtained through a Presale Event and In-game purchases, offers unique features and abilities, providing players with an advantage on the race tracks. On the other hand, the Beach Wayfarer, acquired from Supply Chests, is tailored for beach racing and exploration, adding a thematic touch to the game.
Ace Racer succeeds in delivering a fun and enjoyable racing experience. The combination of thrilling races, unpredictable tracks, and customizable vehicles creates a captivating gameplay loop. The game's sleek graphics, futuristic neon vibe, and attention to detail enhance the arcade fun factor. Whether you're a casual player looking for quick racing sessions or a racing enthusiast looking to collect cars and beat everyone, this game has something to offer for everyone.
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