I See You really deserve much more attention...An underrated & unique Mobile Horror Game experience.

I See You,an RE inspired Horror game where you are put inside the shoes of a Blind Protagonist trying to look for his Girl. You must make use of sound and touch to navigate around and avoid an unseen danger that has now invaded your home...
This game is a hidden gem offering a unique concept it deserves to have a higher rating than what it has now.
The tension I felt when I played this game for the first time is unexplainable, I was really taken in by the ambient sounds and audio-visual cues. It was such an eerie experience.
In my playthrough, I was able to gather different items that helped me in crafting materials for survival and progressing through the story. It really isn't a survival game without a bit of crafting, duh!
Have I also told you that you can only save your progress by interacting with a braille typewriter. A Braille Typewriter, for goodness sake!
If that does not tie in well the main theme of the story, I don't know what else will.
Great Job Devs!
The combat is also good and it kept me on my toes for awhile, though I wish I was able to run. Maybe the devs can add a feature where you can run but you will be unable to see anything and if you bump on walls you get stunned or something.
This game actually offers something great and rare while being in its early stages.
I feel like it does not get the much needed attention that it deserves.
I hope that this game will be able to grow more  in the future.
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So you see me if you see me I'll tickle your balls
Fahad _kil
Fahad _kil
i see you developers I have some questions can you kill the monster next chapter?
monsters can be killed, but only temporarily.. he will come again
Paulius Burokas
Paulius Burokas
w13aOooQ please enter this code in the event you will help me a lot. Thank you in advance. 🙏
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