Since the start of the event, I've been talking about the things we can find in Indie games.
I had a big surprise with Dwerve and now with this game.
The name of the game, the history and all the innovation in the gameplay and again....
The graphics are simple, but you notice all the richness of details according to the game's proposal.
It's just an insanely innovative experience!
Your Rival: "Heaven Dust" is just about all I've been talking about so far.
*Most people who call themselves "gamers" only voted because of the graphics.*
**Heaven Dust is extremely silly and just one of the millions that exist. Simply CTRL+C, CTRL+V.**
I'm happy to sacrifice some tickets, even if it costs me some event prize.
"I see you" is a game that gave me one of the most insane experiences in my entire life with games of this category.
Congratulations to the creators, you managed to create a masterpiece, just like Dwerve did!!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH, for providing me with this incredible and beautiful experience!
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