Amazing First Shooting Action but Horrible Co-op and Endgame Content

At furst I thought the game was perfect however there's one fatal flaw that will completely breaks the game if not solved now... I will rate each content it has as following
1) Gun mechanics - Ironically this game does not have weapon power creep because of character. It's mostly the weapon type. If it's not the same as the character the damage will be lower and that is all. Also every guns are fun to play without any problems.
2) Characters - This one also everyone are strong. The only problem isn't the power they have it's just some can be too niche it's weird... Like "The Two" has running skills but there's no stage that needs you to run... I think they should have just make character like this limited as an event character as a fun addition gameplay... They do NOT fit regular stage at all! That's the problem. Not because they are weak but completely out of place. Meanwhile all the characters if you built them enough they are all powerful. The top tier units are mostly because you can uses all their damage easier. If you want challenge you can freely uses bad character.
Also most of the meta units are actually the free team the game had already gave you. With additional by getting the SSR sniper from the free SSR picks. That's literally all you need to rush through the game. Another meta for submachine gun is actually the SR too... The SSR one is worse cause she's hard to uses. Literally majority of meta units already exists as SR units. If you play long enough you will get why too. Even more Valkyrie is still one of the best in any stages of the game.
3) Story mode - This one is just normal honestly. The story is something you would expect from apocalypse setting. So far nothing good or bad yet. At least the battles are fun. There's no power creep for using wrong characters too. The only thing you would fail is using the WRONG gun and lost. It is highly advised to maxed 5 different type of gun users. That will makes you versatile in any stages. You can clear any old stage with more creative ways too with many type of guns.
Story 6/10
Gameplay 10/10
4) Grinding - All the characters mats and weapon upgrade are actually easy too. You can max 1 character out of one full energy grind. The same goes with weapon upgrades too. Meaning it will takes just 2 days to fully gear up your characters. The only part that is hard is the Logistics or the "Artifact" of this games... The drop rates are random after all which is suck...
5) Gacha - This game the gacha is just there to unlock the characters. All the pieces and evolution can be grind in each of their own character stages. This can only be unlocked once you have them. Overall it's really just a 1 time thing for gacha. It's actually pretty decent and f2p friendly. Also they have 50/50 roll and "guarantee weapon banner" as well.
6) Endless challenge raid [Extremely bad flaws in game design]
All the boss and enemies here in there's stages have am extremely Horrible optimizsation. Instead of doing more damage make it important for you to dodge them? Dodge anything is a waste of time and why so? The enemies HP are too high anything else beside attacking is a time waste... This is bad game design too. I love the game boss and enemies mechanics but this is the one stage you have to forget about them all and focus on dealing damage only. Yep like ignoring every breakable weakness and go straight to the DPS... You WILL be forced to lost not by dying but literally time out. Every enemy there does not even scaled by players level. The scales are completely off because of this abnormal HP. Even if you are precisely the same level? It will takes 10 times the amount you wpuld take for lower level. Oh this will give you a timeout if you didn't realize... Having too much HP just to buy time isn't fun. Its horrible.
Oh I also realize why it was possible to do in co-op too. The teammates was so overly overlevel in everything. This will be bad and why so? If this happens in end game it will be like this.
End game you need level 150 to beat the boss.
Max level of the game is 100.
Question: How do you overlevel the raid boss when your max level can't even reach impossible level?
Good question right?
The real problem is this game FOCUS on adding more HP instead of making it diffeculty... This can't go on! It only works in MMO games because there's no time limit. This isn't MMO! Its an action game with format of stages and time limits! I feel like the game dev does not understand what it means to be action games yet...
The game should had made the boss less tanky and focus on "growing DPS stats as time progresses" This is way better and a common tactics many action games uses. You CAN beat the enemy very fast but too slow they will grow too powerful and one hit kill you.
I don't even know what is fun about hitting enemy that will never die in time limits. I even do like 90% Accuracy of every bullets at the enemy... Guess what lost by time limit. And no not by 1% HP... The boss still have like 70% fking HP... WHAT IS THIS! So no matter how much I try or play it doesn't matter... OK...
This isn't diffeculty... This is just impossible...
Co-op 5/10
Solo 1/10 (Horrible when you lost by time)
7) Bosses - All the bosses are 100% unique and actually pretty good. I have no problems with them at all... It will only be hard if you uses the wrong type of guns. Just as I said you best build all type of guns so you won't be in this problems.
8) Overall
10 x 4
6 + 5 + 1
Total 7.5/10
I would gladly recommended anyone playing this game. Unless you touching the endless content or end game... That one best left never mentioned at all...
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