A fun and simple hero-shooter that's a lot like Overwatch 2

Protectors: Shooter Legends is one of the many first-person shooters that I’ve started playing recently and it’s pretty good. It’s a lot like Overwatch 2 where you play different team-based modes and pick from a wide array of unique characters to play with.
From team deathmatch to conquest and even elimination, there’s a game mode for everyone in Protectors. There’s even a battle royale mode that placed me against other players in a small environment, which I really liked playing. The gameplay is also pretty straightforward, so if you’ve played Overwatch 2 or T3 Arena, everything will come pretty easily—just shoot stuff and use abilities to win the match.
The game's only downside is the characters. Unlike Overwatch 2's roster of free heroes, I had to unlock characters to play them which was a little frustrating and tedious. Most of these characters are locked behind in-game loot boxes and microtransactions. Some of them can be acquired by simply playing the game over time and leveling up. But the problem with this design is that it puts newer players like myself at a disadvantage early into the game when playing against other players that have better characters. It also limits me from trying out new characters in matches which is annoying.
But if you can move past this, Protectors: Shooter Legends is still a fantastic game. It’s got some killer visuals and a smooth interface to play on. The character designs are somewhat unique, and refreshing to play. And the gameplay is generally really enjoyable and worthwhile.
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Shawn Michael Valenzuela
Shawn Michael Valenzuela
player enemey?
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