Taking a Break From TapTap & Where to Find me

Hey folks! I'm sure that some of you, at least, have noticed that I've been quiet for a little bit. First off, I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who watched my old videos, and who left comments. You folks were great, and it made creating content here a lot of fun. That said, I need to take a break from here, since I'm currently pursuing a neat gig That's not to say I won't be making content- But if you want to see neat Indie Game Reviews, You'll need to check them out over here @
It's my fancy website, with a cute cat mascot. Perfection. Ideally, there should be some indie dev interviews coming up- though, primarily, it'll be some new titles coming out (like Afterdream, The New Savant Ascent Title, Liberte, Break The Loop, and some other odds and ends besides - such as OTXO & Talduun: The remainder). All in all- plenty of stuff to come, if that strikes your fancy. In the meantime, though- I wish all of you the best of luck. P.S. Drop Me a message there, if you came from here.
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