🎮 Gameplay: a few typos, to be expected. Overall, fun. There are bugs, for one, chat doesn't currently work, for me at least. But as an rpg goes it's fun. Has a Golden Sun vibe with the elemental classes. Seamless character change. I'm on highest settings and despite being bright AF, it's beautifully designed. I wish there was more visual character customization, but oh well. The Tarot Card system to add stats is cool. The gacha seems very pay to use. You are given two free x11 pulls(why 11, idfk..) then it seems you gotta spend real cash. Maybe we'll get more free pulls? Update: As I level I become more and more intrigued by this game. The grouping system is awesome! However due to my chat being bugged, I cannot communicate... Update: so upon reinstalling to fix my chat, my data was wiped. Lol it states to link your account to save your data, but that's obviously a lie. GG I won't be playing further until they fix this issue.
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I'm in the same boat about character customization. It's a shame, because everything else, especially the design is truly impressive. As for the gacha, fingers crossed they'll introduce more free pulls.
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