The game is really fun but is far removed from what risk of rain is about.
The leveling and item system defeat the purpose killing mobs for gold(which should be automatically picked up) to open chests. Stages become rush to portal asap.
So overall it's a risk of rain game in skin but not in spirit.
The game would be better off copying the magic/vampire survival series.
At the moment it feels like a cheap cash grab. I feel the rates will be heavily adjust on proper release if this is f2p to make it even more grindy.
One plus is the character swap system and the team build system, but it feels very rigid. Swap between characters should allow a certain transition or skill activation based on character and affinity to make it feel more smooth.
Mentioned games
While it's true that this game deviates from the classic Risk of Rain style, I think the level system and portal rushing add a distinctly different, yet fun experience. Plus, the character swap mechanic is something that I've appreciated, although I agree it could use a bit more flexibility.
Darrin Boulay
Darrin Boulay
have you tried not farming lower levels and just pushing the levels ? I assure you, my squad needs those crates.
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