Let's talk about the new delta force game...

I have been a loyal fan of the Delta Force game series for many years. The original Delta Force games were renowned for their intense realism and tactical gameplay set in present-day conflicts. So, when I heard that the last Delta Force game was going to be a futuristic shooter taking place in the future, I couldn't help but feel concerned.
The old Delta Force games were known for their authenticity and attention to detail. They provided an immersive experience that allowed players to step into the shoes of elite special forces operatives and engage in realistic combat scenarios. The games were often based on real-world conflicts and utilized actual military equipment, adding to their credibility.
However, the decision to shift the latest Delta Force game into the future raises a few red flags for me. Firstly, the futuristic setting may compromise the series' commitment to realism. While I understand the appeal of exploring new technologies and innovative gameplay mechanics, I worry that it might sacrifice the authentic military experience that made the original games so beloved.
Additionally, the futuristic theme may alienate the core fanbase that has been with the Delta Force series from the beginning. Many of us have grown attached to the grounded, contemporary settings and the tactical challenges they presented. Moving into the future might feel like a departure from what made the series special in the first place, potentially leaving long-time fans disappointed.
Furthermore, the shift to a futuristic shooter may result in a loss of the strategic and methodical gameplay that was a hallmark of the old Delta Force games. These games required players to carefully plan their approach, consider their surroundings, and execute their missions with precision. By embracing a more futuristic setting, the game may become more focused on fast-paced action and flashy gadgets, potentially sacrificing the depth and complexity that made the original games so compelling.
All in all, my concerns about the last Delta Force game being a futuristic shooter set in the future stem from my love for the old Delta Force games. I worry that the shift in setting may compromise the authenticity, realism, and strategic gameplay that made the series stand out. While I understand the desire for innovation and new experiences, I hope that the developers will find a way to balance these elements and deliver a game that honors the legacy of the Delta Force series while still pushing the boundaries of what is possible in gaming.
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Mon Goise Ahibo
Mon Goise Ahibo
beta test ?
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The Infamous
The Infamous
We still don't have a date for the beta but the Alpha test will be this year
t90a red eyes
t90a red eyes
look good
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The Infamous
The Infamous
The game indeed look good graphically but not gameplay wise
Interesting point, but don't you think the shift can offer innovative gameplay?
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The Infamous
The Infamous
It will but from what I can see, it's just looking like another battlefield 2042 bis, sure the multiplayer will be better but I won't be able to call this game a Delta Force game when it's just a Battlefield copy
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