Love And Deepspace [CBT] - I was BLOWN AWAY By This Otome Game!

Overall, I greatly enjoyed my experience in Love and Deepspace. This game truly surprised me. The graphics are jaw droppingly gorgeous, almost reminds me of Final Fantasy style visual fidelity, and then the combat was so much fun. I especially like how the game will swap from vertical to landscape gameplay when you get into combat. The first person story was engaging and I loved how not only could you pick the voice and customize it to your liking in the character creator, but your voice was present in the cinematics. While it won't show up in the gameplay chat, the in game cinematics will have them, which I thought was really cool. While otome games are not usually my focus, this game was so much fun that I think I will definitely play this once it releases in February 2024. I will be eagerly awaiting this release.
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vince harry escoton
vince harry escoton
The game is really great, but its kinda weird, when I'm in a girl's POV, i feel like a gay, but hopefully it can make a person feel immersed by their graphics and smooth fps, its like your playing on a console , so in conclusion, it's a great otome game, but maybe for high end android spec, I'm really not so sure if it really optimize for low end phone or what we call a 🥔 potato phones. Sora Syn, can this game run on low specs? i have my old phone and want to try if it's really worth the time and effort to install this game my old phone specs is this RAM: 3gb storage: 32 gb (available space 19gb) processor: snapdragon 400 series and etc.
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Sora Synn
Sora Synn
TapTap Creator
Sora Synn
It felt very awkward for me too when things got intimate. But I still enjoyed the game overall. Unfortunately I can't tell you if it works on a potato phone, I was playing it on my iPhone 15 Pro Max... So I really can't help you there. Sorry >.<
Toxic Melody
Toxic Melody
If your a guy character, are there female characters to have intimate moments with? Or is it only dudes?
Sora Synn
Sora Synn
TapTap Creator
Sora Synn
You play as a female character, there is no choice of making a male character. And you can only can get intimate with the 3 guys.
im still very impressive how much voice lines this game has and they added a combat which is a game changer in a otome game
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