Catch Notes: My Biggest Enemy In Rotaeno

I love rotaeno. If you haven’t played it, play it now. (If you have the money, of course.)
I’d also say I’m pretty good at it. Not quite the best, but decently good.
I SUCK at catch notes. But, let’s dive deeper.
If you haven’t played Rotaeno before, first you should know Rotaeno is an absolute banger of a game, secondly that the game’s gimmick is in the name: Rotation.
In the images you can see examples of charts from the game; they involve notes coming from the center of the screen and landing on the outer ring. Depending on the note, you do certain things.
Tap (Blue and Green circles): Tap the note
Flick (Purple Circle with lines): Swipe in any direction through the note
Drag (Yellow big or small diamond): Hold through the note
Rotate (Red and Blue huge circles): Flick device in specified direction
And finally, Catch (Red small teardrop shapes): Rotate the Catch Zone (on the left and right sides of your screen) to match the location of the Catch Note.
Notice how Drags and Catches are similar, but with one main difference.
You don’t have to tap for Catches.
This means that they’re free to force your phone into awkward rotations while tapping notes, and they can also sometimes mess up your reading skills.
I am not good with them.
I continuously mess them up for drag notes, so when they put a stream of catch notes and also add tap notes I end up missing the tap note by accident. Whoops!
I’m trying to get out of the habit but it’s hard :(
Also, these catch notes can get out of hand. Like, someone require you to turn your phone 90°. It’s very inconvenient, I’ll tell you that.
God forbid Rush E’s 360° catch note stream. I know it’s only April Fools, but W H Y.
So yeah that’s basically all for this post. Play rotaeno, and if you’re curious about the games actual gameplay, a video has been linked of me playing :>
Mentioned games
Thanks for sharing your experience. The catch notes drive me crazy too.
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