1. Stop the time when we close the game (the dwellers did not age by that time) this really frustrating, most of my dwellers died because I didn't have time to play like 4-5 days and makes my production gone to chaos after that
2. Make/enable reset features, so we can do better after knowing the game mechanics [SOLVED: by deleting the individual data on google play. don't wipe it clean on apps settings, as it will make the game crash based on my experience]
3. Make a bastard traits (need for developing the story) if we conceive child without marriage function --- also apparently you don't need to have male and female characters to make babies, as male and male and vice versa will do as well that's really funny lol
4. Decrease the maximum to each facilities, 4 is too much, 3 is reasonable, I don't need like 100+ dwellers for fillings my each facilities on my castle
5. Make maximum dwellers each stage/level, so the population will not exploded/the castle feel too much people because of it
6. Banish/sacrifice feature for old people/someone we hate outside the mission mechanics (good for maintaining/swapping the dweller as well) [SOLVED: by dragging the dwellers into outside the castle will give you the choice to banish them]
7. Make us can see what all the active/total modifiers we have from the ornaments and/or events
8. Make us can sell the unused resources, I have plenty woods but cant do anything about it, as you play more further other stones are more valuable, also if you have good clothes that give you like +1 woods every time you finish the work the woods itself will become useless
9. The event for settling dispute between dwellers seems higher as you have more golds, when I have like 1k+ golds in hand, they ask me for 300-400 on each disputes, that was mad asf. I think they need to be fixed, as you will need much gold for upgrading the castle as well later on
10. Make the stray dwellers come more often, I been playing this game for 5 days in real time and only get 2 stray dwellers
Last updates: 14 Mar 2024
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